My son is 5. He has a speech delay caused by an extremely high fever that lasted a few days. Yes, he's been tested and tested. No, he is not Autistic. No, he doesnt have oppositional defiance disorder. No, he isn't 'just a brat'. No, he didn't "need a nap".He's aware that his expressive speech is behind. His receptive speech is perfect. So he gets easily frustrated when he feels like he can't communicate. He gets easily frustrated when there is a lot of chaos, and will seclude himself to calm down.My inlaws house is always pure chaos. Holidays just make it worse, how it's even possible, I don't know, but it's just worse. But on Christmas when the chaos made my son want to hide behind the couch for a little bit, because he was overwhelmed, it started a shitshow.My FIL picked him up from his hiding spot, told him "It's my house, my rules, and you're not going to hide when the family is here". I told him that he just needs a few minutes to calm himself and he'll be fine. FIL starts in on how defiant son is and that he just needs to suck it up. Son starts crying and asking to leave. FIL said he had to sit on the porch if he was going to cry. I was pissed. I guess in an effort to remove me from confronting FIL, MIL asked me to help her with something. So instead I grabbed my son's coat and sat on the porch with him. No way in hell I'm going to let my 5 year old child sit on porch alone in 30 degree weather.Once he calm he wanted to go back in. So we did. I don't know exactly what happened, but I see FIL handing my crying son to my husband, saying that if he can't "be grateful and join us", he can sit outside. My husband, having zero backbone against his father, just goes with it. I yelled at my husband that son didn't have a coat, it's cold, and husband absolutley knows better. His dad was watching so husband joins in on the whole idea that the inlaws have of me just not disciplining our out of control child.Husband puts son down, I start packing up our stuff to leave. MIL asks what's wrong, like she has no idea. I explain very loudly that maybe husband and FIL should come to son's next speech therapy appointment so they can tell the therapist and all the specialists at the children's hospital that they're all just idiots who clearly don't know that son is just a brat, they just misdiagnosed him! That's all.My tone of voice and sarcasm shut everyone up. The last 30 minutes we were there were awkward, but whatever. I'm so sick of them just thinking he's undisciplined. They wonder why I never let them have 1-1 time with him.And you know, no one yells at grandma or makes her sit out in the cold when she needs to remove herself from the chaos because her hearing loss frustrates her.And the whole "joining the family"? Yeah, well we went to my parents' after the inlaws, son didn't have a single problem with joining the family and no one lost it when he did hide away for a few minutes. via /r/Parenting
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