Saturday, 2 December 2017

My 14 year old has been accused of groping another 14 year old girl

I really don't know what to talk about in text format. My son has just been reported to the school principal for sexually assaulting another student. I confronted him with this, and he said he did what he did and that he "doesn't regret shit". I was really scared about the legal consequences for him, but the girl is reportedly not charging him with anything (thank fucking god). He was just suspended for 6 days, weekends included. I understand he is going through hormonal changes, but sexual assault is unacceptable. I really don't know how I can elaborate in text, but I need advice on how to punish him. I haven't punished him since it happened, he's just at home playing call of duty on his Xbox. Can someone please help me on advice? via /r/Parenting

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