Saturday, 30 December 2017

Dont know if this is right place to talk about

Im a relatively new father as we have a 6 month old. The first few months were fantastic and I loved it. I guess I still do becuase I love my child. But in the past 3 months or so. Ive been feeling really down, emotional and upset. I think because my partner went throguh post natal despression and left me to do everything. This has run me to extreme exhaustion to where first thing I think about when I wake up is going back to sleep.But every aspect of my life now is im just seeing negatives. My work has just become busier at the same time and I feel like I am not coping. Ive lost a lot of friends since bubs was born and ive made attempts to catch up but they bail on me. So Im feeling really alone.Im getting into a thought process that even i know im liked at work something creeps up on me say basically says to me that they do it because I work with them and they really dont like me.I dont know what to do or how to fix how I feel. Ive tried talkingto my partner about picking up some slack but it seems to fall on deaf ears. She helps for a day then it reverts back where it was. I feel like I have no support network and id be lying if I didnt feel like ending it all but i stay because of my child. via /r/Parenting

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