Monday, 25 December 2017

Bah Humbug /Nanny Rant

So for the past 3 months we have had an awesome, awesome nanny. She works for us for us every weekday except for Friday (her friend takes her shift). Well last night I find out via text message from our Friday nanny that our awesome nanny has taken another job effective immediately. The Friday nanny said she will be taking over her shifts.I get it, hopefully her new jobs is exactly what she wants (I don't even know if its the nanny field). I really, really would have liked some notice as that is grown up thing to do (she is like 22).Oh well. What really irks me is that we gave her a nice Christmas bonus because she has been so good to us. Would it be super grinch/asshole to stop that check?Now two wrongs don't make a right, but man it burns especially since I handed her the check and wished her a happy week off./end via /r/Parenting

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