Thursday, 2 November 2017

People saying "that's impossible" but is it?

My 16 month old son is really advanced in some areas(language) and semi behind in others (walking). He speaks very well, has a wide range of words and speaks in a few (small) sentences. Sentences like "I want that.", "I am hungry" "I am tired" "I like apples" and then some sort fragments "come play" "let's eat" "get food" "go up" ect. My doctor didn't believe me with this until he heard it himself, and many other people do not as well-so I know there are things that people think aren't LIKELY with childhood development that becomes true for some children.So for my question: my son seems to do 'pretend play' where he seems to give his toys ( usually his chosen toys are an assortment of cars, a toy dinosaur, a doc mcstuffins doll, a my little pony doll and a toy cat) and assign them 'personalities'( will say 'mean kitty' or 'silly car') he bangs them around and tosses them around on the floor of course, but he makes the cars and toys interact and drives them, and will play like this for literal hours. It really seems like pretend play to me. I brought this up to a few parent friends ( some together some separately) and they all said the same thing "that is impossible, kids that young cannot do pretend play like that") when I brought it up to my doctor he said kids can do mimicking 'adult' play at 18-24 months which is sometimes considered introductory pretend play but kids cannot do pretend play that I'm describing until around age 3 and that I'm misunderstanding what he is doing. The more I watch him, the more I think the doctor is wrong. I've thought about filming and bringing it to his doctor but that seems like a pushy thing to do. Have you guys experienced this? When did your kids start playing like this? Is it possible my doctor just has it wrong? via /r/Parenting

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