I have had a lot of issues with my child. Every day, there is something else going on with her, and I am exhausted. Unmarried, single working mom. Please bear with me:3 month ago ago she was hit in the eye at school. She came out at the end of the day saying an older kid "punched" her because she kept wearing a hat she liked and he kept knocking it off her head. Well, she kept wearing it to instigate him, the kid would see it same time (I did not know this) in the hall, and flip it off her head.This kid is not the "crushing on you" type. He has been suspended before. Anyway, she kept wearing the hat and she smacked his hand out of the way one morning so he hit her in the eye instead.When she came to the car, she claims he "punched her in the eye". This was 5 hours later, I received no call, and I called the school angry because she really played it up. School says no, she was barely hit and she started it with waving the hat in his face.The next day, she wants her hat. I tell her maybe leave the hat alone and hats are on the do-not-wear list anyway. She lost it. but moved on when her dad let her bring slime and floam to school.I receive a call from the teacher that she would not put it away in class, as she had a group of kids all around her. The teacher had to physically move her desk and give her an F for the day.I apologized to the teacher and CC my ex in the email asking to stop putting distracting things in her backpack on his custody days (shared custody) and I will too. The next week he has perfume, stuffed toys, and I have to search her before she leaves the door which is ridiculous.She currently has 2 F's and goes to tutoring after school. I went to pick her up last week after school and she gets in the car. She tells me she is depressed and that there are "4 stages of depression and the last is suicide" (?). I tell her immediately if she wants to talk to someone her father and I will help her and that there are meds for such.Her reply: I don't want medication. I don't want a therapist.I tell her father. He asks what context she brought this up in because a girl was allowed to go home early a few days before for "feeling depressed and suicidal". He said she told him she should start going home early too, for depression.We have her at a great school, best in the county, but she would rather goof off for attention and then wonder why she isn't getting good grades. She has no electronics. She is allowed a TV but doesn't even watch it. I take her out to parks, to the library, and we spent all weekend last weekend together watching movies and putting up the TV. As soon as I sat down with wine, she cried and started flipping out about how I am "an alcoholic". She is angry with me and I am wondering why.Also, dad washed her hat and she tried to sneak it to school last week. I told her to give it to me because she will have it knocked off her head. She argued, stomped, and threw it at me. This is the type of thing I am having a problem with. Would I be awful to throw it away?All she really does is sit on her tablet, school issued, and I can't tell if she is doing homework. They have over 10 apps and she can flip to an app in one second to show me she's not goofing off. If I try to get her outside or to read, she just follows me around complaining. Any help welcome. Thanks for reading. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2A5hWTY
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