Sort of a question/observation, but are 14 month olds developed enough to understand that their parents act differently? Ours runs his mom ragged with wanting to be let into other rooms, go outside, and everything else which she normally indulges him in. If she doesn't he'll normally cry about it (loudly).Me on the other hand, if I don't want to go to the front yard with him and he grabs my finger and walks to the door to be let out I'll just act contused or offer something else. There are normally no/few tears about it. On the other hand I have a lot more toys handed to me with a "make it go!" look than she gets, which doesn't really bother me because it's not so disruptive.Am I seeing things or are toddlers this small developed enough to know what person is most likely to give them their desired outcome? Also tips for the wife to help deal with these requests/crying would really help because I think it's driving her crazy. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2teAYBx
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