Saturday, 29 July 2017

Speech and Pre-School

Throwaway.Forgive any grammatical errors; it's Saturday, kids are out with Dad and I can almost see the bottom of my Chardonnay (bottle).I have three year old twin boys who have stayed home with me since day 1. They will be starting Pre-K in September and I am losing my mind."B" is having some problems with speech. We had him evaluated, in home, by early intervention at 1 year, 2 years and 2 years, 8 months. Each time we were told he has an expressive delay but was not far enough behind to warrant in-home services. At 1.5 years we took him to private therapy and was told he had a mild expressive delay and it would resolve itself.After our last early intervention evaluation at 2.8 months, I, in my heart knew that "B" was slipping further behind his brother but did not want to acknowledge that there was a serious issue. Just hoping against hope that he would miraculously catch up (stupid, I know)Last month "B's" brother has started stringing together 7 and 8 word sentences while he is very inconsistent with speech. "B" will use up to four word sentences, crisp and clear. Other times he will mumble and leave off the ends of words or use 1 or two word phrases. He is a super intelligent child who only lacks in consistency of speech.We started speech therapy a month ago and I am totally lost. The therapist has not given us a diagnosis, but is leaning towards phonological disorder.Side note This is TOTALLY my fault. I have always talked to my kids since they were newborns, narrating my life as I go about my day, and speaking in third person often. i.e "Mommy is making dinner", etcSo on Tuesday, the therapist heard my Son say, "B" wants cake" and tells me that kids are going to make fun of him at school because his speech is behind. He should be referring to himself in first person and that kids are cruel, he can be bullied, and should be speaking like his brother, etc.I'm crushed.Having dealt with a speech impediment (lisp) for most of my childhood I know first hand how cruel and mean kids can be. I'm not very sensitive (? word usage) so it never "hurt" but I cannot imagine anyone hurting my child's feelings by telling him he talks like a baby.I'm almost at a point where I want to keep "B" home another year to protect him but, I know I can't protect him forever. Maybe I should have put them in school a year ago?Does anyone have any experience with any of this? Phonological disorder? Pre-K bullying? I'm lost and spiraling downwards. I literally can't sleep at night because I'm so worried about him. via /r/Parenting

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