Thursday, 27 July 2017

Disciplining a 2YO - did I do the right thing?

Our son is 2 and a half. He's having some trouble playing with others --I sometimes default into feeling a bit guilty because he is an only child and doesn't have the benefit of siblings to experiment behaviors with. Anyway our neighbour came over with their daughter about the same age. My son started playing a bit to rough (I.e. Hitting the little girl through the curtains they were playing hide and seek in). I paused their play several times to point out to my son this behavior was unacceptable. They then were playing on the floor a bit together and my son wasn't sharing and then started hitting our neighbours kid when she wouldn't let him hog all the toys. I pointed out the roughness to him and took his prize monster truck away and told him he wouldn't get it back if he kept it up. I also asked him if the neighbours kid is sad or happy when he hogs the toys and hits and he said 'sad'. He started crying about the confiscated monster truck at this point. I asked him if he will carry on with the roughness if I gave the truck back and he said 'no', so I gave him the truck. Ten minutes of playtime later he is not sharing and then pushes the playfriend to the ground. I told him he shouldn't push his friend and I took the monster truck and put it atop the mantle, which instantly has him wailing uncontrollably. At this point I just apologise to the neighbour and she takes her daughter home. I said we would come by to apologise later. My son has a full on tantrum for a good 25 minutes. I didn't relent, and he's now helping my wife with some simple cooking, sniffling and crying when he looks up at the monster truck. I've told him several times he won't get the monster truck back until we apologize for pushing, so I'm hoping he will agree to do this a little later.Kind of new to this parenting thing. Is this what others would do? Like I said, I can't help but feel guilty because my son gets overwhelmed when around other kids and doesn't have the benefit of sibling interaction like in other families. We try to expose him to other kids at least once a day, but often he's playing with me or my wife. via /r/Parenting

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