Sunday, 2 July 2017

My sons aunts boyfriend has taken a strong liking to my son and I'm not really okay with it.

My sons aunt has a long term boyfriend of about 8 years and he has taken a strong liking to my 2 year old son. He is always buying him things and and comes over just to see him. At first I have to admit there was a bit of an ego thing going I with me, I didn't really like another man giving my son so much attention but now I'm just a bit weirded out by it.His aunt has her own kids and he has pretty much given up being a father figure to them because she doesnt give him the respect he deserves. He honestly wasnt a very good father figure at all IMO. My sons mother has told me he wants him to be his godfather and I told her I dont approve at all. I explained if he wont even commit to marry her sister and has already given up on being there for her kids why the hell would I won't him to commit to being there for mine?We kind of got into it a few days ago because he commented that he feels he needed to get involved in my families business because of the kid and he didn't think we were doing what was best for him and I told him to worry about his own family and that my son was not a concern of his. It's not the first time I had to remind him who was my sons father. Once we were all sitting on our deck and he kept sitting my son in a baby chair on top of the patio table which was dangerous because there was a risk he could fall off the deck 10 feet or so. After the second time taking him down and him putting him back up there I had to tell him to not do it again and he asked "why". I got annoyed at that point and told him because its my son and when he has his own he can do what he wants with him and put him at what ever risks he see fits.Just Not sure how to handle this one. via /r/Parenting

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