Saturday, 25 June 2016

7 yr old daughter has had 3 accidents in the last week. She tries to do everything to lie her way out of it.

We came back from vacation last week and she has had 3 accidents since. Once in public, twice at home. The first time it happened I believed her story "I spilled water on myself" and I thought nothing of it because she has never had an accident before in her life.The 2nd time, I caught her coming out of the bathroom and her behind was SOAKED, she tried to run into her room to change and I caught her. "Why are you wet?" she says it's water again. It doesn't add up because it's on her butt. She goes "maybe I didn't pull my underwear down far enough." I was suspicious and I went to where she was before it happened. Her bed (she was reading in bed) was SOAKED to the mattress. Now it starts. I get mad at her for lying to me (which I've figured out this was the 2nd time she lied) and she finally tells me that she doesn't feel like she needs to go and it just comes out. She's never told me this before. I asked her why she lied to me and she just says "I don't know" over and over and over.It happened again today. She's sitting on the couch when she runs to tell me she "spilled juice" in her lap which I believed at first because she did have a drink with her. I have her clean it up with paper towel and she changes her pants/underwear. An hour or so goes by and me and her little bro go to sit on the couch and she goes "don't sit there, the juice smells bad when it dries." I am suspicious, so I smell it. It is pee. She starts lying again saying "NO IT'S JUICE" and I go get the juice from the fridge and ask her to smell the couch and then the juice, "Do those smell the same?" she says, "when the juice DRIES it smells bad!" so I take some juice and deliberately pour some on a different cushion and rub it in (I didn't care, the couch is so old and stained anyways), it dries. I ask her to smell them again, " I DON'T WANT TO!" and the denial went on like that for 10 minutes. I checked the pants and her underwear and they both smelled like pee. She still does not admit to lying to me.Could there be a serious medical issue going on? She never admitted to any of the incidents and even with damning evidence she would not admit anything. She says that she doesn't "feel" that she has to go when she does, and then sometimes when she sits down to go, she pushes and nothing comes out.What's going on here? Anyone have any experience with this? Thanks.Edit. Thanks for the replies everyone. I think I was more upset at her lying and not the actual accidents, but I'm going to focus more on trying to be supportive and trying to figure out what's going on without getting mad. She was probably just afraid of me being mad at her. I'll try to update on progress in the next week. Thanks again. via /r/Parenting

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