Wednesday, 29 June 2016

5 year old over-reacts in a disturbing way.

Our five year old daughter is the sweetest little thing. She is empathetic and makes friends easily. The only snag is that when something goes wrong she acts out in the most dramatic fashion possible.Even a minor correction can result in "I'm stupid," "I'm the worst kid," and more disturbingly "I should die." She is smart and creative and will even list off the ways she should die. "I should be in a fire," or "I'm going to jump in the ocean and get swallowed by a whale."Obviously, these aren't realistic and we don't have any fear of her acting on them. But they are...unsettling - especially to others who haven't seen it before.We checked with her teacher and she doesn't do it at school. But yesterday at day camp she did. She hit a kid and when she was punished, she went into her usual routine. The day camp leaders didn't know what to do at all. They put her in time out which just spiraled into a prolonged tantrum.We have tried ignoring it. We have tried talking it through with her. We have tried punishing her when she says those things. Nothing changes. Maybe this is just her "tantrum style?"I don't think she really understands the consequences of what she's saying. And I don't think she is depressed or anything. But I wonder if anyone else has seen this sort of thing and how they handled it. Even a little reassurance would be great. via /r/Parenting

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