Do you feel like the division of labor is fair in your house? How is your hubby feeling with not working? Do any dads work part time?I ask because my son came early, due to this we've kept him out of daycare for almost 10 months now. I work full time, my husband has been a SAHD. My husband had been..... Withdrawing lately. He still takes care of our son, but sometimes he doesn't do what we both think would be best. I'm the one that feeds our son anything other then milk. I'm the one that puts clean clothes on him, bathes him, takes him for walks. My husband isn't doing anything terrible, but it seems like he is depressed and I'm wondering if other sahds have gone through anything similar. If so, what helped? I get that watching a baby is a lot of work, and I'm not expecting a perfect house or dinner done when I get home. But I do think he could be doing more with our son. At a bare minimum feeding him solid food and a couple walks each week!I had my son to myself this morning and I got a ton accomplished while having fun with him at the same time. I guess I just don't understand why my husband is incapable of doing the same (outside of possible depression).Financially we need him to find a part time job soon, and I'm hoping that will help. However how he will find a job with his current mental state is another matter.... Has anyone been in this situation and if so, what helped? via /r/Parenting
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