Sunday, 1 March 2020

Why am I resenting my husband?!

My husband is a loving and active father, he's a thoughtful and adoring husband, he works super hard to provide for us (I am able to step back from my job and stay home with our LO while finishing my graduate degree).Still----I get SO frustrated when I'm in charge of EVVVVVVERYTHING for our 5 month old baby and the house. I roll my eyes as he sleeps through the night. I shake my head as I constantly keep an eye on the clock for her schedule. I grumble under my breath as I read and research everything that we do for our LO.He works long hours in a VERY involved field, so I of course know he deserves time to clear his head on a day off ---- but for some reason I get really frustrated and even resentful as he leaves for the gym or to go on the river. I technically could do the same, but in my gut I think a lot of the routine would crumble, and then I'd pay the price later when she's fussy and waking up all night.I really need to establish "me time" in the same way he is doing so that I don't turn into a mother-martyr, but I am fearful of handing over the reins.Anyone else resent a perfectly wonderful person? How did you get to a less toxic place? via /r/Parenting

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