Friday, 27 March 2020

I had the first proper fight with my son and I’m left in pieces.

Hey all, hope your having a good weekend and a safe time, but I’m in desperate need of advice.So I have twins, a boy and a girl, both 16. Although we have the occasional clash, we mostly get on quite well, and have never properly had a serious argument. Now, I’m always telling them to not do anything stupid when out and about, because I know that now more than ever they’re exposed to drinking, sex etc.. and for that matter, we have a curfew of 9pm, if they want later they have to come to either me or my wife and give us the reason. So about a week ago my son sent my wife a text at 7pm, saying he was out with some mates, they were going to one of their houses and he may be half an hour or so past the curfew, my wife said it was fine, but he came back at 1am. I was fuming and my wife was worried sick. As soon as he came in I marched up to him and said “where the hell were you? Could it have hurt you to at least send a text so we knew you hadn’t bloody died?”. He then said “no need to get your asses wound up, I’m here now aren’t I?” I then shouted at him about how he broke our trust, and he told me that I “wasn’t gonna do shit”. I then snapped, I said “not gonna do shit? Well your grounded, two weeks, no technology, and you have to do your sisters chores as well”. (Remember, this was when you could actually go out and see your friends from a distance). He stormed off into his room. He’s been avoiding me ever since, and has been extremely cold around me, I don’t wanna lose this relationship with my son, did I do the right thing? via /r/Parenting

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