Friday, 27 March 2020

UPDATE: I talked to my son

Ok, so if you didn’t see my last post, my son past his curfew by many hours and was disrespectful to me:A few hours ago, I asked my son if we could have a chat in my room, he reluctantly agreed, and when we got into my room, I told him “Listen, I’m not here to rant at you, but I feel we need to bury this hatchet, so let’s discuss what went down like grown ups” so I told him that although what he did wasn’t good, I do apologise for how I acted. He told me that he felt he didn’t have enough freedom, and that he just wants me to be his dad again, I replied with “I understand that this is a frustrating time, but you have to understand that me and your mum aren’t enemy’s, we don’t just dish out punishments because we feel like it, we do it for your safety, and to form you into a well mannered young adult. That night, I was worried I might have lost you” he then said that he wanted me to be the normal dad again, I told him “there isn’t a moment where I don’t love being your dad, I love being tour friend and being in your company, but you have to start seeing me as a parent as well as a friend. As your dad I will give you endless love, but as your dad I never ever want to be spoken to the way you spoke to me that night. We have very few rules in this household, and the ones we do have we expect you to follow, for your safety, ok?” We then hugged it out and he went off to his room.Did I say the right things? via /r/Parenting

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