So until about a week ago my son had no problems going outside to play in our backyard, but one day he was playing and a bumblebee flew a little too close to his face. This terrified him and made him completely lose interest in going outside for any amount of time. A few days later I forced him to be outside with me while I sat him down on my lap and tried to show him how none of the animals/bugs/bees are interested in bothering us. But logic doesnt really work on a 4yr old who recently saw a giant bee buzz right in their face. It's been a few days and I've tried bribes, taking away tv, silly names for the bee (advice my wife got from somewhere), more logic and understanding and still he rejects any attempt to go play outside.Should I wait it out, should I kill the bees? Dont really wanna rely on killing the bees cus it doesnt solve his irrational feelings towards bees. I sympathize because I was afraid of them too when I was little but I dont remember ever being so afraid as to not wanting to go outside and play. I guess I'm just asking for suggestions on how to help my son go back to playing outside. via /r/Parenting
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