Friday, 27 March 2020

Please give me some tips on how to build emotional resilience in a 7 year old, boy, please!

My gorgeous, loving, friendly and caring son cannot emotionally self-regulate, especially when asked to turn off his iPad. He plays Minecraft and watches Minecraft videos constantly. Yes, we regulate the time he is allowed to spend on it. He can watch before/in bed, and he gets up early to watch it. However, regardless of how routine, how many warnings that in 15, 10, 5 mins, he’ll have to turn it off he has a complete emotional breakdown crying, running away, squealing. My OH thinks that he’s just being naughty, but I can see he is absolutely distraught and it takes at least 5-10 minutes for him to calm down (depending on the circumstance). He is bright, but can’t read - has a real block with reading and literacy, too. However, he can use siri etc to find videos etc on the iPad. (If I ever meet Jelly or Preston I’m going to kick them in the nuts!!) so I can’t get him to read a book.Any suggestions? Will he grow out of it? via /r/Parenting

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