Friday, 26 October 2018

Pattern of my kid NGAF. 10 years old: took a pocket knife to school today.

In the last 3 months my 5th grader has: been in the office twice, broken a window trying to get into the house( the door wasn’t locked), written notes to all her friends calling them on their shit, and ended with taking a knife to school “for protection,” (a close friend plays really rough with her).We keep saying : “ASK AN ADULT FOR HELP. We’ll open the door. We’ll talk to the girls’ parents. We’ll chat with the teacher about tough play.”She’s been suspended for the knife. For the earlier visits to the principals office, she lost a lot of privileges at home. She’s been seeing a therapist twice a month, who also helps us with parenting stuff.Any idea what to do next????? via /r/Parenting

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