Monday, 29 October 2018

When can you leave your kid in another room for 5 minutes?

My son turned two about a month ago and we are still pretty unable to even be in a different room than him. Our apartment doesn't have a super open floor plan, so I can't see him in the living room from the kitchen or anything, so that doesn't help. But seriously, when does this happen? If I leave him, he's turned the TV on and messed with the settings, pulled a picture frame down and broken it, climbed onto the wobbly cat tower or fallen off the couch. I realize there are a few more things we can do to child proof, but honestly we cannot possibly think of everything he could get into and we have limited options for where to put things in our small apartment. To add to it, he doesn't like to be alone and requires fairly constant input from one or both of us to be happy. I think part of that stems from us not being able to leave him alone to figure out how to play by himself. So, when does it happen? When can I make a sandwich without worrying he's destroyed everything and gotten hurt in the process? via /r/Parenting

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