My youngest child is six and in first grade. Since she began school, I have been receiving reports over and over from her teachers that she is not completing work on time and she is not staying on task.My girls’ father and I went through a terrible high conflict divorce when my girls were very young, one and three. we now have a positive relationship coparenting and share 50/50 custody on a two days three days every other weekend schedule.I’ve been concerned that this caused potential trauma on their developing brains; my eldest girl (8) also has the same reports of inattention and focus. I have both girls in weekly therapy.The reason this has become such a vexing issue with my youngest is because a few months ago after constant notes home about incomplete work and inattention, I got fed up and I had a meeting with the teachers, the principal, and the guidance counselor. I signed a release form for the GC to talk with their therapist. The school discussed how the constant changes in custody during the week was causing confusion for the girls, and blamed it all on this. Of course it’s my fault and that of my ex. They kept emphasizing how the girls required so much extra support to succeed.Fast forward a few months, and the problem still exists. Now work that my six year old isn’t completing in class is being sent home. Every day, the assignments keep rolling in to be done on top of her regular homework. They spent the last Thursday and Friday with their father who admitted he didn’t catch her up on all the work.By today, when I opened her very heavy homework folder, she had nine assignments to make up, on top of her regular three. Nine different pieces of work. Instructions were given for her to finish the work tonight.Excuse me but I don’t think so.I wrote the teacher an email and said that it was unreasonable and developmentally inappropriate to expect a six year old child to do what would have likely been close to an hour and a half worth of work in an evening after having been in a classroom all day. I explained that I wanted a child study done, and I wanted progress toward an IEP. Clearly, she is not functioning at the level of the other children and clearly, she needs some kind of extra support. I am at this point furious that I am the one having to advocate so hard for my child when I’m not the teacher in the classroom who is seeing this as the pattern and the problem that it is every single day and is just letting this undone work pile up and sent home to become my problem. This is absurd. I myself am student teaching and I now have a working understanding of how this all works. I don’t understand how they are conveniently sweeping this aside and letting my daughter just slip through the cracks apparently. Why bother with differentiating or investigating further Into what’s going on with my child to cause her to struggle so badly when you can just let her flounder and send the work home?I am so sick and tired of having to fight tooth and nail against the people who should be initiating and seeing for themselves what is happening here. To say this school is not progressive is to say the least.Grrrrr..... via /r/Parenting
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