Friday, 26 October 2018

my almost 4 year old throws never ending tantrums over EVERYTHING...

and I am literally at my wits end and have no idea what to do anymore. I cried the whole way to work this morning and am fighting back tears right now just thinking about going home to him.He's a very strong willed child, and I find myself often googling what's the difference between severe OCD and a normal child tantrum.some examples -He wanted to be black panther for Halloween and has been asking for months. I ordered his costume (along with my oldest) and they arrived last night. I pick him up from his pre-school (where he has never had a meltdown, so I know he's capable of controlling it in some ways) and he seems to be in a good mood. When I pick him up in a good mood I always talk to him about how pleasant he is and point out the difference it makes for both of us. We got home, he was excited to open the box. Until he opened it and saw the other mask for my oldest. He started crying that he didn't want to be black panther. I ignored, tried to redirect, started dinner, but he just kept on. He cried from 6pm-9pm until he fell asleep with very few breaks in between the screaming. Thought it starts about the costume along the way he finds anything else to keep it going...he didn't want to put on his PJs, then he did, then he wanted to go to his dads, then he didn't want to sleep in his room.....​This morning he woke up. I lay his clothes out for him to get dressed every morning. This morning when he woke up, as soon as he saw the clothes he started screaming and crying that he didn't want them laid out, that he wanted to get them himself. I tell him that's fine then he can go pick out other clothes in his room. Then he doesn't want to do that. I still have to get myself and my 9 year old ready and out the door for school and work. So I ignore him (while he cries again for 2 hours). I give him a 10 min warning that if he's not dressed by then I will have to get him dressed myself and will carry him out the door. He just keeps screaming. I have to hold him down and get my oldest to help me in order to get him dressed. I carry him to the car (still screaming) with no jacket or shoes. Once in his car seat he proceeds to take off his shirt, socks, and half his pants (because he couldn't undo the buckle to take them fully off). I then spent 20 mins out side of his school trying to get him dressed again and inside (it's cold here or I would have just brought him in with no clothes on at that point).​this happens every day...almost every morning or every night. there may be 1-2 night or morning a week that he is not like thisI am literally going to lose my shit. I don't want to...but I don't even know what to do anymore​any advice?​ via /r/Parenting

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