Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Overwhelmed with grief about son's speech issues and possible autism

We recently started an early intervention program for my almost 3 year old. Things that I thought were exceptional aren't really exceptional just forms of his speech issue - immediate and delayed echolalia. He knows a lot of words, knows a lot of things, but doesn't have any real functional language.I feel like he's lost inside of his mind. I miss when he was my "normal" baby... cute and smiley and people would tell me how cute is. Now I go to the park and some mom will look at my child like he's weird. It breaks my heart.I don't want to go around family or talk to anyone. We were going to go on a Disney cruise and now I don't even think I want to go.Has motor delays too.I know it's coming... they're going to say he is autistic. He stimms all day long.Every time he's stimming I just lose it. I can't stop crying. My husband is in denial. My mother is also in denial. I'm overwhelmed with grief at the moment. I just don't think I can be strong for my kid. I'm losing it. via /r/Parenting

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