Thursday, 31 May 2018

Child is friends with someone who is part of a family vlog channel on YouTube and was included in videos without my knowledge. Am I overreacting?

Throwaway for privacy reasons.My child is 13 years old and is friends with a kid who is part of a family vlog YouTube channel. The channel does well enough to where it is the family's main source of income.My child was included in two recent vlogs. Once during a sleepover and the other time at a dinner party. I was never notified that my child was going to be in these vlogs and I don't want my child in anymore of them. I think it's a tough age to be putting kids on screen and don't want to deal with any cyber bullying or anything that may come from it. My child's name was also mentioned in the vlog and was wearing a sports team shirt that had the schools name on it. I'm worried about privacy.First, am I overreacting? Is this not a big deal this day and age? I don't like the idea of millions of people knowing my child's name and where we live. How do I bring this up with the family without coming across as that kind of mom? via /r/Parenting

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