Friday, 25 May 2018

I feel like giving up on my 8 year old son.

I will say up front that I firmly believe America overmedicates our children. And yet I'm seriously considering putting my 8 year old on meds. Or sending him off to military school. Because I don't know what else to do. He is stubborn beyond all reason. He refuses to do anything without being nagged and harangued constantly. He has two very simple chores - take out the trash and clean up after our pets. If he simply did them, it would take him less than 10 minutes per day. Instead, it generally takes between 30 minutes and an hour, depending on how much arguing we have to go through.Similarly, he won't do his homework unless we hover over him and watch him do it. If we let him, he would watch Netflix and YouTube all day long. (needless to say, we don't let him) In a word, he's lazy and just doesn't give a crap about anything.It's a constant battle that my wife and I are fighting with him. And we're simply exhausted. We've tried praise. We've tried making lists. We've tried incentives. We've tried punishments. We've tried therapy. We've even (unfortunately) tried yelling and screaming. Nothing works and every day is a new battle. I am not going to go through 10 more years of battling. I'm simply not.I don't really want words of encouragement or support. We're past that. What I am hoping to get here are specific techniques that others have had success with. All we want is for him to do his homework and chores without drama and (ideally) without being asked. We'll settle for simply losing the drama, however.Otherwise, I am going down the medication route. I really don't want to as I feel that's somehow a failure on my part and not doing everything I can to support my son. But I'm out of options. via /r/Parenting

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