Thursday, 31 May 2018

My 4 year old broke his arm yesterday...

He fell from monkey bars trying to swing like Spider-Man. He really tried to tough it out and act like he was going to be okay until that evening when he went to bed. He woke up a few times crying and his forearm was starting to swell. Went to the ER against his request (not a fan of doctors because of shots) and were there until 4ish in the a.m. He cried whenever it had to be moved prior to getting there and when we arrived he didn’t seem to complain much other then wincing in pain at times. The Dr. came in and began inspecting his arm after X-Rays asking him if where she touched hurt. I looked at her straight-faced the entire time she poked around and said it doesn’t hurt. Every spot she touched he said,”nope, not there either.” I began to think he was just over-reacting at home and he might not be hurt that bad. The Dr. left to get the X-ray results and I asked him if he was faking it at home. He said it hurt pretty bad, but he didn’t want the Dr. to see him hurt because he was tough and a superhero.The Dr. came back and dropped the bomb. She said he had a fracture in his forearm. Once he understood fracture to mean broken he looked up at me with tears in his eyes and asked, “Does this mean I’m not a superhero because my bone broke?” Oh man the feels... luckily Dad reads comics and was able to tell him about assorted heroes getting hurt in their stories and still being superheroes. I love that little boy more than words can describe. via /r/Parenting

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