Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Are we being unreasonable towards neighbours? (Rant)

So we (wife, 14mo girl and myself) live in a block of flats and have some neighbours downstairs. Since we moved in they've been a bit picky with noises. Yesterday and today we had some arguments and I think they've been overreacting but maybe we are instead.Now, my girl is an extremely active baby. Never stops moving. She started walking over 3 months ago. She has a wood walker she loves to push around. Loved moving boxes and toys around and she does make noise. But she is a toddler, it's her thing.She's in nursery from 9 until 14. Eats with us, has a nap, plays a bit, maybe go to the park and she's having dinner / bedtime routine at 19:30. So in reality she doesn't have that much time at home. Not like she's 24/7 playing around.They were saying that we should restrict what she plays with because she's too noisy to which my wife told them to fuck off. Also, in Spain the hours where you can't make noise is between 8 and 22. I understand it's not super pleasant but what do they expect us to do? Tie her up? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2L3xc5v

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