My husband and I have been fighting a lot lately. It's pretty standard stuff, so we went to couple's counseling for the first time today, and while it was helpful for our relationship the counselor also lowkey berated me for being a bad mother.We live in a small city in South Korea, so the only counselor available nearby was someone who specializes in children's language development and not couple counseling.Her main issue was that my son is 22 months old and cannot yet speak in full sentences. He can understand pretty much everything we say in daily conversation, and can say about 40 English words such as mama, papa, car, bulldozer, cloud, sun, moon, yellow, red, blue etc. and also 10 Korean words.When my husband mentioned this in passing, the counselor was visibly shocked and told me I really need to re-evaluate my role as a mother because I am "extremely lacking in effort." (She said this to me in Korean.) She told me that my Korean was really bad for someone who has been living in Korea for the last 8 years, and as a mother of a Korean child raised in Korea, I need to be doing everything in my power to make sure I am fluent in Korean...otherwise my child will not be able to communicate with his friends. (I don't think there were any racist or xenophobic intentions here.)I am Korean American, and I already worked really hard to improve my Korean. My Korean level is good enough that I can pass as a native Korean in terms of my accent, speaking, and writing ability...We had a 1.5 hour conversation with the counselor and there was literally only one word that I did not understand. I had never heard of the phrase 풋대접, and when I asked what this word meant is when the counselor went on her tangent about how I am a bad mother.Also, I am currently still breastfeeding, which the counselor found appalling.So I have three questions...Is it really that bad that a 22 month old boy can't talk in sentences yet?Am I a terrible mother for not being perfectly fluent in Korean? I am already "fluent" enough that whenever I mention I am not native Korean...people are shocked and say they couldn't tell.Is it okay for me to keep breastfeeding until 24 months?tldr: Am I a bad mother for not being fluent in the local language? via /r/Parenting