Hello, /r/parenting! I posted this on /r/relationships and it was removed by the mods, who recommended I post here. I have copied and pasted the exact post from there. I'm just looking for a bit of insight if possible! Thank you!My husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for almost a year. We finally found out in January that we are having a baby! Yay!A little background on my in-laws before we get into the issue. They are a super conservative, Irish Catholic family. Very kind, very supportive, great sense of humor. I really enjoy their company, and I especially enjoy their son. The problem is with that first bit up there: super. conservative.We have a few problems with them here and there - most prominently facebook political posts. But the most recent and offensive problem we have had with them has been baby names...MIL and FIL are really fond of simple, traditional names. My husband and I are not. We have no qualms with traditional names, we just don't like the idea of our kids having to use their last name initial in class because there are 4 other kids with the same name. We like abstract, but not too weird. So, when we started talking to them about our ideas for names, we were met with stares, sighs, even laughter. One of the names we had in mind is literally straight out of the bible. My FIL's response to that one was, "Next!"So we are met with a dilemma. We have finally narrowed down a boy name and a girl name that we absolutely love. The thing is, we haven't told my in-laws. But we have told pretty much everyone else - my family, all our friends, coworkers, etc. But when his family asked if we had narrowed down names, we just kind of avoided answering.I'm not usually one to get worked up about other people's opinions, but this has really been hitting me hard. Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones. I think we have sort of agreed that we are not revealing the name to them until the kid is literally in my arms, and they have no opportunity to change our minds/guilt us out of the names we've picked. But I can't help but feel like this is really harsh to do to them. Even worse, I'm worried they're going to find out that everyone else already knows the names, and we're just hiding the information from them. I really don't want to get to the point where I have to explain our logic to them, but I'm worried we may have to. I just don't want any hard feelings, but I also don't want to feel stupid for the names that we find to be beautiful.Are we overreacting? Should we just tell them and ignore their judgment?tl;dr: In-laws are very judgmental of any baby names we have presented to them; is it wrong of us to hide our decision from them until our baby is born?Edit: Since some of you are asking, I'd like to share our baby names. I feel comfortable with you guys because you are strangers on the internet, and internet strangers are always kind!The boy name we have chosen is Ronan David, and the girl name is Keira Rose. Yes, we have Irish roots... Now don't steal them! via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2pzIVAv
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