Edit: 14 year old Male.Some background: We don't have the best medical access so I'd like some input. Our son is almost 15 years, he has a developmental and cognitive delay. He does understand basic speech and basic concepts, but no understanding in complex ideas or ordinance or logic. He walks and passes motor and follows a free will, but he is highly dependent on a scale of 3.5/5. He is usually calm but will have spontaneous periods where he loses temper and will act out, and has very free will. We do home therapy since he is not equipped for public schooling, and he attends sensory and motor therapy three days. Husband doesn't help, does not have a good understanding. Husband is negative but he works and does things usually all day and does not have a part in son's daily life and has little impact on him.It's another one of his bad days. Sometimes it lasts a few days and I just pull him out of therapy and try getting him to sleep. This morning has been a lot, technically since last night. I sometimes have to carry him around. Last night, I had to hoist him into his room at bedtime, had to hoist him back into his room after he decided to get out of bed and play in the sink, had to roll him because he didn't want to get changed after a wet nappy (he wet because he didn't want to go to the bathroom before bed). I tried soothing him so he would get tired, and he sobbed whenever I stopped talking to him or stopped touching him, and in the end he cried himself to sleep. This morning, I dressed him in his day clothes while he was still asleep to avoid any trouble, and bridal carried him to the couch, and he threw a fit upon waking up. He threw a little fit because he ran in and tried to eat a piece of candy (with the wrapper on it) for breakfast, and I got in his way. I buckled him into his eating seat and made him cry by just quietly setting a sippy cup of juice in front of him. I calmed him down and he stopped crying by running my fingers through his hair, but then I made him cry again by walking away from the table to wetten the cloth I use to wash his hands. I sat at the table to feed him his malt meal and to make sure he wouldn't choke on bananas. I got up to wet the cloth and he threw banana everywhere. I let him out of his eating seat (because he can't be restrained too long for his circulation and he's going to have to be in his carseat later). He put his sippy cup in the trash can, then went for the bathroom and grabbed my pot plant and started pouring the soil in the toilet. He's probably going to get dismissed from therapy early today. I'm glad it's not motor therapy or gym today because he'd absolutely lose it.Today has been very bad, it's usually not this intense. I don'tfreaking know how to handle him or help this. I just tough through it and tolerate him. He does not understand negotiation and has a bad communication block. I don't know if I can reason with him or do anything to control him. I don't know if I should stick by and comfort him and do what keeps him calm or if I should try controlling him or if I should not give in to it and let him cry it out. I feel like I abandon him when he cries himself to sleep or when he loses his temper and I just watch him do it and I don't do anything about it. I don't even know what the deal is, or what he's wanting, or really why he's doing it. My husband left for work this morning laughing about it. Last night husband woke up when I was in son's room and son was hysterically whining and sobbing, and husband told me to physically punish him for acting out. I do not physically punish. If son misbehaves, I move son from the situation or remove objects from him, because he does not understand punishment. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2ul5vl9
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