Thursday, 29 March 2018

Am I A Bad Mom For Leaving My 3 yo For 6 Weeks

My son (3) and I are pretty inseparable, and I'm definitely his favorite over his dad. I breastfed him for 19 months, took a gap year between my post-bac and starting medical school, and although now he's finally in daycare, he still spends a lot of time with me while I study. I usually pick him up around 1 on school days. Needless to say, medical school is competitive, so I applied for, and got, a 6 week summer clerkship about 7 hours from where I live. It's paid, which is nice because I'd have to pay for his daycare all summer anyway to keep his spot. It's also near all my friends, whom I haven't seen in years. Aside from being in the hospital for a week and visiting my dad after his heart attack, I've never been away from my son. 1 week is the longest I've spent away from him, and now I'm freaking out over being away from him for 6 weeks. I also feel incredibly guilty because the clerkship is optional, though I've tried to find programs closer to me and haven't had much luck. I don't do a lot of extracurriculars during the year because I'm a mom, so I don't want to not do anything over the summer to make up for it. I plan on video calling as much as possible, and driving home at least a couple of weekends, but I'm worried my son will be devastated (which I'm sure is not the case, but I still worry). His dad has a long commute so he'll be in daycare way longer than he usually is, but he likes his school, so I'm not sure how bad that will be. I know this sounds stupid, but am I making a mistake by going? This clerkship is in the specialty I want to go into, and also provides different electives to rotate in, which I'm really excited about. I just can't get over this guilt. Any advice appreciated! Sorry for any formatting errors, I'm on mobile! via /r/Parenting

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