Thursday, 29 March 2018

Need advice, 11 y/o daughters "best friend" brought a knife to school with a list of names. Best friend is suspended and daughter is questioning how to handle best friends return.

My 11 year old daughter is in 5th grade, she is actually in middle school in because the elementary school building doesn't have room for 5th graders. Her best friend since 2nd grade (also 11 and in 5th grade and in the same classes) brought a knife to school and supposedly a list (didn't see the list, nor did my daughter). This best friend has spent the night at my house, my daughter has spent the night there gone on many outings together. I have not noticed any signs of violence or strange convo's between the girls. The best friend told my daughter about the list and said that one point in time my daughter was on it because she upset the best friend, but was removed after they worked it out. Now a specific young man was on the list because he was annoying and she wanted to hurt him. The best friend showed the knife to my daughter and a few other friends of theirs. Then I'm assuming she was scared of getting caught, the best friend then took the knife and put it in another young ladies backpack and tried to make like she had never seen it before. My daughter went to the teacher of the class she was in and explained the situation. The best friend told the principal that she was bringing the knife to protect herself from a potential school shooting, the knife was a kitchen knife a little bigger than a steak knife. The best friend was then suspended and will be returning the second week in April. Now my daughter is concerned, because she doesn't want to be friends with the best friend but is worried that she'll end up on a list of some sort again because it's happened once already. I feel my daughters conflict... I am wanting to teach compassion and being polite but then again, I want to tell my daughter to stay the hell away from said best friend. My daughter is concerned on what her actions will cause. How would you handle this situation, what would you encourage your child to do. I appreciate your time, thanks! via /r/Parenting

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