Thursday, 1 February 2018

How do you get ANYTHING done with a newborn?

I had my baby a little over 3 weeks ago. Just writing that puts things a little into perspective, how it simultaneously feels like its been two days and a year. When I was still bleeding a flood and in pain from delivery, everything seemed too much. But I had my SO to help me out by changing diapers when walking was too hard, feed me while I was nursing, burp her when I couldn't bc of swollen boobs, and give me much needed bathroom breaks etc.Today is his second day of work after I gave birth. Yesterday was hell. All I do is sit in the same chair, nurse her for hours, burp her, change her diaper, and try to put her down for a nap so I can get food / a water refill / bathroom break. For now I have given up on getting more than 5 minutes to myself while home alone with her. I admit my expectations where too high. I had this silly mental image of doing yoga while she smiles at me from a blanket. And doing chores/shopping/cooking with her in the sling. laughs at own pathetic optimism Originally I thought I could at least grab some food with her on one arm. But she lifts her head ALL the time while being held, so there is a real chance she will loose her balance and drop to the floor. She cries in the sling. She cries when we try to go for a walk. She cries if I lay her in her bed. Even (and especially) if she has just been peacefully sleeping on me for whatever time period after nursing.I constantly seem to read / be told to 'sleep when baby sleeps'.. Im baffled. Do people's babies sleep more than 10 minutes at a time when they are put down? Or am I supposed to sleep while she sleeps on my stomach / on the nursing pillow after a feeding? Doesn't seem safe. This way she can actually get a few hours of sleep. So I am left to sleep while SO watches her. We have split the night into shifts for us both to be able to sleep. Of course she cries half the time when he has her. Should I feel bad for not giving him a full nights sleep? Or being able to fall asleep while hearing her cry? Im just so tired when Im finally able to hand her over to him when he comes home.I should maybe clarify I am in no way depressed, I love her and enjoy the time I spend with her. After all, the reason babies are so cute is because they are so annoying.Im a very practical person to begin with, but I can live with only doing laundry on the weekends. It just doesnt seem right that I dont have time to eat or even go to the bathroom. It doesnt seem healthy and it is exhausting.Moms/dads with clingy babies, how tf do you get shit done? Not looking for 'remember to burp her' or 'have you changed her before putting her down?' I want to know how you personally got through this. via /r/Parenting

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