This is going to be pretty weird to explain but I wonder if theres others like me out there.I'm a dad to two beautiful children, a 3yr old girl and 7month old boy. They are absolutely adorable in every way and good kids, well behaved generally and I'm blessed.I can honestly say I never expected being a parent to be this amazing, I was initially terrified of it and when my wife was pregnant with my daughter we even considered having an abortion at one point because we thought we may not be ready - I'm beyond glad we never went through with this and I feel so guilty about having even considered it. I really hate myself for even thinking that was an option and when I look at my daughter it melts my heart every time. I'm grateful we made the right choice but at the same time angry at myself for it for being so weak to have considered it.I live in constant fear now however that I'm going to lose them for some strange reason? I work in law enforcement and I'm inundated with vile horrible people from across the spectrum (murderers, rapists, you name it) and I fear for the world my kids are being brought up in. I get that its a distorted viewpoint as I'm exposed daily to it but on the other hand I see a underworld people have no idea exists and especially not to the extent and detail I understand it in.I'm scared of something happening to my children, that they fall ill, that something happens to them that takes them away and then having to live with the pain that could follow. I couldn't really imagine my life without them in it now - its unbelievable how you can love these creatures unconditionally and get by without them at first but once they are in your life, you feel completely and emotionally devoted to them to such an extent you cant picture living without them.Does anyone else understand this? This feeling in the pit of your stomach?Is it just me? via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2DUEeqe
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