Monday, 1 January 2018

Am I overreacting?

Not sure if this is r/relationship material but here goesBackground: I'm SAHM to 18mos old twins and husband works full timeToday I have been running around the house doing chores on top of cooking for and feeding kids. Husband has been home for a good 2 wks for time off. However today he felt the need to question why I am giving my kids a snack an hour after they had lunch. Mind you, my kids routine is wake up, breakfast, play, nap, lunch, play, snack, play, dinner, bath, bedtime. Kids have been following this schedule for months now and have been sleeping pretty well. Kids get up from their nap at 1230pm and I proceed to feed of them and finish up about 130ish pm. I let them play and then around 230pm they start getting fussy so I figured they needed a snack because they didn't eat that much for lunch. I ask my husband to watch them snacking so that I can get some vacuuming done. He gives me a hard time about them probably not being hungry and that they don't need it. My daughter eats without complaint but my son was especially fussy so my husband took him to calm him down. After he calmed down he came over to us and I put him in his chair and ask husband to watch them snack while I vacuum in our bedrooms. Throughout the day it felt like being a mom to toddlers and a teen because of the attitude I get when I ask him to do this or that to help out. He does not usually take initiative and do things himself. He proceeds to say he's tired and not having dinner so I just made something for myself assuming he's asleep in the bedroom. He comes out hours later asking if there's still food left and makes a stink eye on my glass of champagne. It's NYE and this was a bday gift I got a month ago while he would finish how many cases of beer or bottles of whiskey by himself in a month. I've only drank a bottle of beer this month. Anyhow he asks me if I'm mad and I tell him it's annoying how he keeps questioning my routine with the kids because I've been SAHMing the last yr and a half. He thinks that I'm not infallible and I shouldn't be upset about it but the thing is he keeps doing this to me at least once a month like he doesn't have anything to do. Last month he keeps interfering with screen time during mealtime and I told him he can experiment all he wants but he has to do mealtime himself if he doesn't like the way I do it. It's like he's subconsciously looking to just throw a wrench into my well oiled machine for shits and giggles. Sorry for the long rant but it's fucking NYE and he gets me all pissed off.Tldr: husband questioning and uncooperative with kids meal schedule even though I'm the SAHM that is well versed on their schedule via /r/Parenting

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