Friday, 1 December 2017

My Kids Conned Grandma

So my kids conned my ex-in laws. (Whom are on very good terms with me. Love them lots.) So this year I caved and bought an Elf on the Shelf. They beg every year and I think it's stupid, so I always said no. But this year they were like, we will keep our room clean for two weeks and we won't ask for Advent calendars." (I buy them Advent calendars each year for fun.) Of course they end up doing exactly as they promised and two weeks and $40 later I'm getting their stupid elf. Their grandma calls today and is all, "The elf I bought them last year already brings them presents every single day. Are you sure you want to have two elves?" I was like..."Grandma, WTF? The stupid thing doesn't bring presents." She assured me that my lovely kids had told her all about it. How the Elf brings a gift every day and is Santa's helper and blah blah blah. Poor woman. She totally bought it. And for a whole month last year they were getting presents every single day when they went to her house after school. I didn't even ask what she was giving them. Hopefully she didn't drop too much money on the little monsters. So today I get to sit them down and have a talk about 1) lying 2) taking advantage of people 3) greed. Perhaps they have friends in school who's parents give them elf presents every day and maybe they assumed that's how it worked. But either way...I feel like they knew it wasn't exactly truthful.TL;DR: Hooligans I raised convinced grandma to give them presents everyday for a month. via /r/Parenting

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