Friday, 1 December 2017

How to approach missing sports practice with 7yo?

My son recently missed a couple hockey practices, and for the latest one, we told him he'd have to miss the game if he refused to practice. My wife and I aren't sure if this is too harsh or we could have handled it a better way. On one hand, we absolutely don't want to pressure him into playing on the team if it's not something he enjoys, but on the other, we feel like he's not being fair to his team by deciding not to practice.A little more context: He's seven years old, enjoys skating and hockey, he's on a non-travel team that practices twice a week for an hour, and sometimes has a weekend game. He missed practice early this week because he said he was tired as they had a special extra practice (they call it a "clinic") the night before. So we knew he had good reason to be tired, and we had no problem with skipping a practice because we're trying to be careful about over-working him.But then yesterday, after getting dressed at the rink, he decided again that he didn't want to practice. It didn't seem like physical exhaustion; we were a little late getting dressed, and he was disappointed about that, but he then refused to get on the ice and join his team after a lot of cajoling. He mentioned that it was boring and just flat out refused. We told him if he decided to miss practice, he doesn't get to play in the game this week because it's not fair to his team. So that's how it went -- he cried on the way home and he's not playing in the game tomorrow.Are we being too rough on a seven year old? How do you handle consequences for kids missing practice? via /r/Parenting

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