My father wasn’t the best. So I’m a very involved father of a two year old boy. I work nights. I watch my son during the days. My wife takes over at night. We share responsibilities during the weekends.I have him on a set schedule of homemade breakfast, snacks and lunches. I block out time for playing, learning, and creative activities, socializing, naps and just relaxing. With a set schedule, it’s pretty easy and he’s very well behaved.However when my wife takes over, it’s a different story. From the moment she takes over it’s just sobbing and crying and demanding and screaming from our son. I try not to get involved. She constantly uses the iPad as a negotiating tool or a babysitter, where I don’t let him use the iPad at all. She never feeds him at the dinner table, but in front of the TV. She rarely feeds him homemade meals.A schedule means nothing to her. The iPad or tv is her babysitter. She’s never been the most disciplined person in the world but that is what I originally loved about her. She is a carefree type of person. It doesn’t seem to be the best attitude when it comes to parenting.It’s not just myself noticing. When we visit family, they point out our different parenting styles and how much more well adjusted he seems with my style. I just keep my mouth shut. I don’t want to start WWIII.My wife definitely notices the difference as well. I try not to say anything, but she just does not handle parenting well. I don’t want to say anything to make her feel bad as a mother. But this can’t keep going on like this.Am I just being an asshole?Thoughts? Suggestions? via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2iPrFnw
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