Wednesday, 1 November 2017

My son is 7 weeks old - when will I get some resemblence of life back?

Hi all. First post here.. first let me say that I am not horribly depressed or something, I am relatively content with my life. But ever since my son was born, I just feel like I have no time to do anything fun..My usual day consist of: working, then coming home and taking care of the baby a bit to relieve my wife, then cooking, eating, dishes, and any other tasks that might be neccessary. In the end I have a few hours in the evening to relax, but usually I am too tired to do anything but watch TV. And even if I did have energy to play a video game or something, I would be interrupted 100 times. So in the end I feel like my whole life revolves around doing "chores" right now. And this is especially bothering me because I don't see that changing anytime soon.So do you have any sort of advice on this? Should I try to schedule some time for myself? or should I just accept the fact and try to enjoy the "parenting" more? :)I wan't to think that "it gets easier when they are around 6 months / 1 year / whatever" - But I am not convinced this is actually true judging from what I hear from other parents. via /r/Parenting

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