We live in one of the best elementary school districts in our system but a shortage of teachers lead to 78 kids signing up for Pre-K and only 22 spots available. They did a lottery and my son didn't make it. Fast forward to 9am this morning when I get a call saying they have an opening and would like for him to be at school 8am TOMORROW. My kiddo has never been to daycare. We have weekly outings to the zoo or aquarium. When he didn't get picked in the lottery in July I was upset but went about our lives for this semester. My husband and I picked out a nice church prek for him to attend after Christmas to get him ready for kindergarten.This has thrown me through a loop. Not only did I spend the day running around finding the perfect bookbag, lunchbox, and going to buy jeans that aren't too short.. grocery shopping for his first school lunch.. I had to hide the fact that this Mommy is upset! 23 hours to prepare myself for my only child's first day of school. He's a social butterfly and will have a blast but has never been in a structured, classroom type environment. He's now entering that almost halfway through the year. He's excited. He helped pack his bookbag and make his lunch, even picked out his clothes. I thought my biggest stress of the day was going to be rooting on the Astros after he went to bed. Now I'm curled up with a stuffed animal that got left downstairs, a huge glass of wine, and I can barely see the game through my tears. I thought I had a little bit longer with my baby but I know this big step is best..even with the short notice. I'll make it through tomorrow morning, right?! via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2A8V03e
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