Thursday, 2 November 2017

Cut down some trees today, devastated my four year old..

Today my father came to our home and cut down a couple trees that were rotted/dangerous to leave standing. When I picked my son (4) up from daycare and came home, he immediately noticed and was devastated. He asked, "where did my trees go." And I told him, "Poppi came and cut them down because they were rotting." He breaks into tears, real tears, and can't be consoled. He asks me over and over where the birds and squirrels will live. I tell him that there are plenty of healthy trees around us for them to make home. He isn't satisfied with that answer. He wouldn't eat dinner tonight. He didn't want me to read him a story at bedtime. He's genuinely disturbed that I cut down our trees.How do I make this right in his 4 year old mind? I don't want to lie to him. My mom suggested we build a birdhouse together, so the birds have a home, but I know my son and I don't think he will like building a birdhouse, as he is a complainer and says everything is "too hard." 😞I feel bad that I hurt his feelings, because he's a sensitive kid, but I also want him to understand why it had to be done. 😩 via /r/Parenting

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