My SO is better than I am at a lot of things, but patience is not one of those things. How can I talk to my SO about dealing with our 3YO's temper tantrums?Our son gets angry sometimes when we can't understand what he wants (like all kids). Sometimes it escalates and he yells and hits us or throws himself at us. When this happens I calmly, firmly tell him that the rule about hitting is that it gets him a time out and I put him in his room.This morning, I was in the other room and our LO had one such meltdown. So my SO starts yelling too and crying. I scoop up our son and take him to the other side of the house, where I hold him for a while until he stops crying, then we talk about what happened. I ask if he feels angry, and he says yes. When he's ready to listen, I explain that I know it's frustrating when we don't understand and that if he wants something then he has to help us understand by showing us or explaining in different words. Eventually, we're smiling and laughing and he tells me that he's sorry and he shouldn't hit or yell. Great.Except my SO is still furious. I honestly don't know what she wants our son to do, except maybe that she is upset that he's not taking her seriously as an authority figure. Our son goes to her and she starts yelling again. He comes out and curls up by a table leg where I'm not working at the computer. I pick him up again and my wife comes out and yells that she's not going to talk to him or look at him. She goes into our bedroom and shuts the door. I don't honestly know what to do. He climbs up on the bed and says sorry. She just stares angrily and tells him to sit in front of her. I think she wanted to lecture him on behavior. She says that if he acts that way again, we will not read to him or play with him all day. After a while, he hides behind me. In the end, I take him to kindergarten and she's still angry.I don't want to let our son's anger drive a wedge between my SO and me. I want to have consistent rules with my SO. I don't think anger, yelling, crying or refusing to read to, talk to or play with our LO is a good reaction to tantrums. But if I bring this up with my wife, she gets angry and tells me she reads parenting advice too and that she understands perfectly well.How can I react when both my LO and SO are having a meltdown? What would you do? How can I improve the situation over the longer term? via /r/Parenting
Monday, 31 July 2017
Are there actually parents who don't mind MIL choosing outfits for all of their baby's "firsts"??
I have encountered it with both of my kids (MIL either showing up with some ugly ass dress and declaring it my child's first Christmas/Easter/birthday/whatever dress, or telling me she intends to choose and purchase said dress) and I am appalled by it!! And I know several other mothers who have been subjected to the same thing who were all pissed off. I'm just wondering if there are daughter in laws who are like, "Oh okay, great, I don't want to choose clothes for my child's first holidays -- buy whatever you want, MIL!"Where do MILs get the idea to pull this shit? Why is it so common when it's apparently usually considered completely out of line? via /r/Parenting
Informed that my son has been severely bullying kids at his high school, unsure of what to do
Hello,I was advised to post on this subreddit about my situation.My 16 year old son's principal has recently, as in this morning, informed me that my son and a group of his friends have been bullying some kids at his high school. Apparently they have been playing embarrassing and unflattering pranks on theses kids, video taping it, and posting it on instagram on a group account they created. In addition, they have also been taking compromising photos of the victims and posting them, as well as making "memes" using photos of them.Also, they have been caught in class teasing these kids, making crude jokes, to the point where the teacher has to step in and end it. I had been informed of these in class disruptions beforehand, and had disciplined him accordingly. As of now it seems that it did not accomplish anything.What broke the camel's back however is the school's discovery of the instagram account, which has led the principal to informing me of the situation. She also stated that this bullying had led one of the kids to transfer schools and the parents of the victims threatening to sue the school for the damage they had allowed to happen to their kids.I am not exactly aware how long this has been happening, but based on the severity I imagine it must have been happening for quite some time now. Obviously, I am absolutely furious with my son. When he came home from school in the afternoon, I laid into him and demanded to know why he did this, as I previously thought it would not be in his nature to do something so demeaning and cruel. He told me it was all just a joke and was not expecting everyone to take it so seriously, saying it was all just for shits and giggles. When I further questioned him, he said that "those pasty ass white kids were too easy a target to not make fun of". At that point, I decided to talk with him once I cooled down and sent him to his room for the rest of the evening. I have also confiscated his phone for the time being.The principal has asked me to come in tomorrow to further discuss the situation, and the consequences he will be receiving as a result of his actions.I am obviously hoping to add on some discipline on my end, and also would like to find a way from him to understand the gravity of the situation and exactly how as a result his actions has severely negatively impacted his victims and many more people. I want to get that through his skull, as it seems he isn't taking this situation seriously at all. My wife passed away a few years ago, so I am kinda on my own with him.Any advice and help as to how to talk with him, in addition to disciplining him would be much appreciated. via /r/Parenting
When do preemie immune systems catch up?
My 6 y/o (born at 28 weeks with low birth weight) literally just finished her antibiotics for the last chest infection this morning and she's already coming down with a cold. I know six year olds are sick a lot but she catches everything and can't seem to fight anything off without help. Every single cold turns into weeks of bronchitis, ear and sinus infections. She contracted RSV right after coming home despite the synagis shots and ended up back in the nicu. I feel like the rsv is what really set her up for this. Is this eternally crappy immune system normal with preemies? Her pediatrician doesn't seem concerned. When will it end and when will I stop feeling pants crappingly terrified every time she so much as sniffles? Ever? via /r/Parenting
I'm proud of my 4 year old son's decisions today!
Today when I went to pick Elliot up from Daycare, he was putting away a board game. As he continued to fold the board that another child had previously started folding, it broke in half. He didn't fully understand what happened, so he put it in the box anyway. When we got to the car, I asked if he knew what happened. He told me he wasn't sure, but he didn't think it was supposed to be in two pieces. I explained that the board accidentally broke because it was being folded the wrong way. He asked if he broke it, and I told him sometimes accidents happen and we just need to learn from them so we don't make the same mistake in the future. Elliot then asked if there was anything we could do to fix it. I told him there wasn't much Mommy could do. I then suggested that he could use his chore money he has earned to replace the game for his class. Elliot's face perked up and he asked if we could go to the store after he went home and had a drink of Gatorade. So we went home, got a drink, and then took off to Toys R Us to get the replacement game. We discussed what to write on a note apologizing for the accident, and he signed his name at the bottom. He has placed the game on the kitchen table so he doesn't forget to take it in the morning! I'm proud of my little mans decisions he has made today. via /r/Parenting
My ex disappeared from our kids' lives. My life has taken a nose dive. The kids are acting HORRIBLY, my boyfriend is fed up with them as it seems they intentionally are trying to make life hell.
My ex husband disappeared about a month ago. He told me he was moving out of state, but did not tell me, nor his own family, where.He turned off his phones and deleted his social media and no longer responds to any emails.My kids loved their dad. I had the very difficult talk with them about their father not wanting to be in their lives anymore and they have been behaving worse than they ever have before. Every single day they're breaking something or fighting with eachother or other kids.They're fully disobedient and disrespectful to both me and my boyfriend. My son even tried to fight him.Today my youngest literally set the trashcan in the kitchen on fire with some of my and my boyfriend's belongings inside.I just don't know what to do anymore and I'm exhausted. via /r/Parenting
Autism Term Of The Day is....
Back Pants Holes, which means back pants pockets.My son has begged and begged us all summer to let him get a wallet, which we'll probably do right before school starts even though the only things he has to put in it are his school ID, a business card of MIL's and his library card. I asked him if he was going to keep his wallet in his backpack and he said "Well duh. No. I'm gonna keep it in my back pants hole." via /r/Parenting
How to go about a will, and who would take care of LO?
LO is 16 months and I thought the other day, what would SO do if I died, as morbid as that sounds. So I contacted my insurance company and got life insurance for myself, and started a savings plan for LO, so when he's older he'll have some money towards school, a house, etc.I am a planner. I like to have a set plan and make sure my loved ones are taken care of. Now I have to look into making a will if SO and I pass away, who would take care of LO. I know my sister would take him in a heartbeat, but as much as I love her, I wouldn't want her to raise my son. I see her kids, and they are rude, swear, don't respect anyone or anything, and they are just bad kids. SO and I said we would want our two closes friends to raise him. We would obviously talk to them beforehand, but I know they would take him and raise him like SO and I would. They love kids and want kids, but she can't have kids.I hear stories of family over riding wills. My fear is that my sister would fight our friends and take LO. She put me on her will to take care of her kids if anything ever happened to her and BIL. I feel badly, I love my nephews, but I don't agree with her parenting. I would NEVER say it to her tho.Any suggestions on going forward with a will? via /r/Parenting
[X-Post] In Search Of Teeny Tiny Underpants
So we're potty training. My son is only 15 months but we brought home a potty for my 2 yo nephew we live with and my son got really interested in the potty hype. We've been just sort of playing along, not committed to it yet because he's younger than the country average for potty training but he's actually been really successful at it. We're going on a family trip in October and only potty trained kiddos are allowed in any of the pools. No swim diapers of any kind (even the cloth variety). So now I'm thinking, why not just do it? I work at a kid's resale shop and we had a few pairs of those little soft cotton bloomers that go over diapers and match dresses. They're by Carter's and Baby Gap mostly. I bought all we were selling, about 7 pairs. The problem is that he's 22lbs and the bloomers that fit best are 3-6 months because they're made big to go over diapers. But try finding actually affordable underwear smaller than a 2T. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them. We cloth diaper full time so he knows what it's like to feel the wetness when he pees. I'm not looking for the padded training underwear that most use for potty training. I'm just looking for regular, 1-layer of fabric, cotton underpants. Any suggestions? I'm cross-posting to get the widest range of suggestions possible. TIA via /r/Parenting
Need Some Advice
Okay, so my four month old goes to the sitter 4.5 days a week. Last week, she had a baby who is around his age for the day. When my husband and I went to pick our son up, the sitter tells us that the other baby is much more advanced than our son, that he [other baby] is already trying to pull himself up, ect., but not to worry b/c he is the last of 5 children, that he see his siblings and wants to imitate them. I'm a new mom, this is our first child. How am I not suppose to feel like I am failing at this parenting thing when people are telling us stuff like this? (it also happened when my dad told us that our son rolled over for them, but he has yet to roll over for us) via /r/Parenting
Who pays the bills?
I've been a stay at home mom since our 2 year old was born. For the last year y husband and I have been having some problems and he now wants me to pay half the bills out of a savings gift I received from my uncle after he passed away. He is the only one working and does not give me equal time to work even though I'd like to work again if only just a day or two. He says that we have plenty of money and I don't have to work and that he is working for us but now wanted me to pay. We both have trust issues in the relationship but regardless it doesn't seem right and I've already given him 10,000 of the savings. via /r/Parenting
Advantages and drawbacks of an allowance?
I know that giving kids an allowance for chores can give them an early introduction to work and the value of money, but I haven't done it with my children yet. From my experience of when I was a child and a teen, I never got an allowance for chores. It was simply a baseline expectation that I had to do whatever chores or errands my parents told me to do and if I needed money for something (before I got a job), I could just ask nicely and try to justify it (they sometimes gave it to me and sometimes didn't) . I think it might have sent me the wrong message about family if I had to do chores to get money from my parents or if I was rewarded monetarily for obeying my parents or simply doing my bit to contribute to the family but I also understand that an allowance can get kids to learn about dealing with money early on. What do you think? via /r/Parenting
How often do your kids get you sick?
I have a 10 month old son. He's not in daycare or anything so he hasn't had too many illnesses. The first cold he had I brought back from work - right after I had started back so it makes sense that my immunity was low.This summer we have been getting out a lot more now that he's older and we've seen an increase in the number of colds. He's on his 3rd cold in 3 months which doesn't seem too bad since I know kids get sick a lot. The problem is that my husband and I have had all of the colds too. Our son will get sick first and then a few days later we start to come down with it. Is this typical? I guess I expected that I would have immunity to some of the viruses that make him sick. Are we doomed to be sick every month? Do we just need to step up with hand washing? It seems kind of futile since I breastfeed him still and he's always up in my business. via /r/Parenting
Taking 2.75yo to Disneyland, tips on how long and where to go? Never been before.
I can't tell anyone in real life because of in law family drama and they wouldn't be that great for advice anyways. How long should we go to Disneyland with my 2.75 year old? We're thinking we'll take things relatively slow paced and just enjoy things as we encounter them (shows/performers). We do plan on going on some of the toddler friendly and family friendly rides. We're going with my parents and my 17 year old brother WHO ARE PAYING FOR MOST OF THE TRIP!!! So we want to make things as comfortable for them and my kiddo as well.I'll take any tips you guys have. Also, ideas on when and how to tell kiddo? I don't think he's old enough to get it now but maybe in 9 months he will. We're going on late may right after Memorial Day. via /r/Parenting
I googled for an hour to avoid asking this.
Our child turned two a month ago and it seems that he's extremely advanced in language. Tonight in the car I coughed. He then fake coughed and said "So thirsty, I need some water now." Just like that. That's not uncommon sentence structure for him. Wakes up and says "Mommy, turn on the light." He said to my husband when he threw a ball that hit my sunglasses "daddy! Don't broke mommy's glasses." He got break/broke wrong, but hey. You see what I mean. He also knows every color, is extremely observant, knows the names of everyone in our extended family. Other than that, doesn't seem advanced. Every time he counts to ten he says "1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10!" No matter how many times he's corrected. But his language is insane. His pediatrician, strangers, neighbors, everyone notices. I try counting how many words he knows every month and at this point I would guess he's in the 2,000 range. Is there anything I should be doing to further his learning? I stay home with him and talk to him all day every day, pretty much. We rarely watch TV and he's always outside playing. I don't want to post this in any of my Facebook groups because we honestly try not to ever brag about our child and that's not what I'm trying to do here. Everything I can find on google and online points to him having the vocabulary of a 3+ year old. Just chalk this up to him developing really quickly in the language arena? Should I try teaching him to speak another language? Should he go to preschool sooner to learn more social skills? He wouldn't typically start in a Preschool for another year. via /r/Parenting
Weekly - Stories from the week/end - July 31, 2017
This weekly thread is meant as a place to share stories that happened to us as parents over the weekend. Share good, bad, fun, not fun, etc. Also, if you ever wonder who we are, click here to meet the mod team! via /r/Parenting
Lament: I love my kids dearly, next to my wife they are the best thing in my life, but I'm so frustrated with them right now.
They don't listenThey have no common senseThey can trash a room in 30 secondsThey flail aboutThey don't behave in publicThey worse when they are togetherThey are total dramaThey only listen when I yell. I mean seriously this is how it plays out. Please clean up this mess (ignores me), later.. Please clean up this mess, you know what my expectations are (ignores me), later... Seriously guys we can't leave until this mess is cleaned up, if I have to ask you again I'm going to yell (ignores me), Yelling instructions like a drill instructor (crying, drama, but the work is getting done).I'm so sick of their behavior, I'm so sick of yelling, via /r/Parenting
I regret having my babies - if or when does it start to get better?
I'll just come out and say the uncomfortable thing: I really regret becoming a parent. I have 8 months old twins.And because I know this will be the first thing people say: Yes, I have seen doctors about PPD, I am being given some treatment for it, but my feelings of parenthood regret are not PPD. They are me realising that this is my life now and I hate my new life and desperately want my old life back. I do love and care for my children, but I absolutely hate being their mother.I think I had them for the wrong reason - my husband really wanted kids (lots of kids) and I agreed to see how we go with 1. We got twins. I'm so tired there are times my heart has been pounding and palpitating and my husband can't help much because he has a job where the lives of a lot of other people people are at risk if he makes a tiny mistake (I'm trying to be vague for privacy reasons but I'm not exaggerating) so he has to have good proper sleep before work and be sharp and ready. And he earns more than double what I do and we are reliant on his income for our mortgage and bills and everything, so we can't have him staying awake and losing his job or taking time off.We have got a night nurse a couple of nights a week which really helps even though it is costing a fortune and even after sleeping a couple of nights, I wake up and still regret being in my situation. I literally dread when the night nurse goes home and my husband goes to work and I am "stuck" with these babies. I'm still not used to the poop and changing them. I feel 'caged' because I can't just leave the house when I want. I feel unattractive and can't work out like I used to, I don't have time to do things like my nails/hair/makeup anymore. I'm miserable. I miss talking to my husband about things not the babies and poop and going out with him and have more sex and feeling attractive to him. Now I think he just views me as a mom, not an attractive women. No matter what PPD treatment they gave me it won't restore my old life, it won't give me a career back, or freedom back, or money back. That money for the night nurse could have bought so much more stuff and travel. I just want my old life back. I hate being a mom. I'm setting money on fire to be ugly and miserable and stuck living with a huge mistake I want to take back.Does it ever get better. Will I ever start to look better? Will my marriage ever get better? Will I ever get a decent holiday and the chance to spend a cent on my self again? When will this get better? via /r/Parenting
Sending our kids to in-laws for summers or not?
Dear /r/pareting, I need some advice.My SO and I come from two different cultures and countries. He is from Country A, we live in Country B. where I am from. In-laws still live in Country A.When I say different cultures, I mean really different cultures. Country A is less focused on individual, and more on the community - what you do, who you are, where you live, what you achieve in your life - all of this is viewed more as a "our" achievement, rather than a personal achievement. Very traditional culture, where men and women are best thought to be separated until marriage, which needs to happen quite early in life. Very religious, very family oriented. Everybody loves kids, though.In Country B, people are more individualistic. Kids are loved, but there's an expectation that you become fairly self-sufficient early on - eg kids go to school on their own, they can make easier foods by the time their 10-12, alcohol is permitted at the age of 16, as is driving etc. You can be married, single, same-sex relationship, not have kids - whatever is your wish. Religion is not an issue, most people describe themselves either as low in religion or plainly not interested.So my MIL loves kids, including our own (two, under-10s, toddlers really). The only times we can actually visit country A, is in summer, due to school being out. It's not possible for us to take both the whole summer off, to spend in Country A, so our current options are to send the kids away without us and have MIL and FIL receive them at the airport or go and visit more short-term, but all of us.My in-laws attitudes to childrearing is very different from how I was raised and how children in Country B are raised. My own grandparents were similar in their attitudes and I admit that I might be a little bit unfairly judgemental of my in-laws. Firstly, they are in their late 60s, early 70s. They're not immobile, but they for sure ain't in their 50s. But there's a whole lot of family surrounding them (I personally take an issue with this - I hate the notion of everybody having an opinion and thinking that they deserve an opinion - again; very common in Country A) and they'd probably not be alone. They think that children can do no bad. Children in Country A are allowed lots of liberties eg "look what a rumbustious and an active child!" (while said child is destroying your fence), they are fed lots of candy and sugar soda and lemonade, because that's what they think kids SHOULD be allowed to eat. I've seen kids with horrible yellowed, blackened teeth at the age of 5-6. The kids there rarely have a timetable, so they go to bed when adults go to bed; they eat whatever the adults eat (lots of carbs or meat), they are even given sips of wine from the age of 3-4!My own grandparents were similar, like I said. I was fed lot of sweets and given copious amounts of soda to drink, because "children NEED sugar". For most of my life I have been heavily overweight and hated exercise (it's hard to exercise when you're heavy), sugar addiction is a real thing. I'm slowly doing better these days, but I admit that I am a freak when it comes to food and dental care - due to my grandparents actions I have very few teeth that have NOT been repaired at all.So I am worried that when we send our kids to in-laws, without our supervision, within those two months unsupervised (without us there) whatever we try to enforce them, will just be a water off the goose's back, not to mention it will be very difficult to resume routine after two months of free-for-all. We have tried talking to in-laws and they say they will do according to our wishes, but we won't be there to enforce them and I've had enough experience with MIL, to say I doubt about this. I admit, I may be judgemental, but I don't want my kids to have the same problems like I had - bad rotten teeth, heavy overweight since 7!!! years old, no strength to exercise, no fun in playing, bullying etc. Besides I don't believe that kids NEED sugar, a cake or ice-cream once-twice a week should be quite good, since we offer as much fruit and berries as they want during other times.What do I do? My SO shares my opinion, but due to us not living in Country A, he thinks our children won't get "enough" from his roots without spending summers there. I want them to get to know their father's culture as well, but I never want to be willingly put in position where my mother was with me. He thinks his parents will listen to us, but I don't - I've seen them how they are even with us THERE.So far we've been able to solve issues, but that is due to the fact that we've mostly lived in Country B and SO has been heavily influenced by childrearing here, by seeing fathers participate heavily in children's lives and from people allowing children freedom, but also not letting them to grow completely on their own. Is there any ideas or advice? Any books I can read about cultural differences in childrearing? What have you personally done if your in-laws have very different ideas in childrearing? via /r/Parenting
Will my baby be affected by my postpartum depression?
I have been struggling with severe depression after my baby was born 14 months ago. In that time I was admitted to a psychiatric hospital twice, the second time was because I swallowed a whole bottle of my medicine that contained lithium and spent two days in ICU.I am tired of being depressed and struggling to cope with the guilt of not being a good mother for so long. I have recently read that babies whose mothers suffered from depression affects infant development and this makes me feel even worse.I want to be a good mother from now on, but how should I forgive myself for the past year? My daughter spent most of the time with my mother-in-law and I am scared that because she spent so little time with me that it affected her in some way.Here is a link to the article that I read: via /r/Parenting
Sunday, 30 July 2017
Sitting here waiting for my child's bus to arrive home from school, the second child's bus comes an hour after that.
And I'm an anxious, fidgeting wreck. Every afternoon I dread the thought of my children coming home. I get a few hours a week to myself and every afternoon waiting for them to come home feels like a clock ticking on a bomb inside me.I hate feeling this way, I just can't stand the constant fighting and tantrums when neither of them get what they want. There's quite an age gap between them so they rarely agree on anything.I'm tired of this parenting thing. I just want some peace and quiet. via /r/Parenting
At my wits end.
My girlfriend is constantly corrects my parenting in front of our 3 year old son. I have tried to explain to her that it underminds my authority. I know I am not always right and as parents we need to talk about what we are doing so we are on the same page. My thoughts are we do that when we are alone. Unless I am abusing him, or I am doing something that will hurt him, she should not say anything to me infront of him. She has valid points sometimes, and I listen to what she has to say. When I try to talk to her, she just says, "don't yell at him." I don't yell at him. I raise my voice sometime and give a stern tone, but I don't yell.Please, tell me if I'm wrong. It's not that I don't want to hear what she has to day, just not in front of our son. via /r/Parenting
Raising your kids to like things you like (and what happens when they love stuff you hate)
So, this has been a theme in my thoughts for a few weeks now. My kid's almost 6, and a few months ago her grandma bought her a Kidz Bop CD. Fast forward to last Friday, and I can now say I've seen Kidz Bop live in concert.Me—the whiny high school emo girl who went on to study literature and be a snobby asshole for at least 10 years and who judged everyone based on the music they liked and the books they had or didn't have on their shelves.I accompanied my daughter and her grandma to a Kidz Bop concert.And I kinda honestly really had fun. I had like a 24 oz beer and then I had fun. Because my baby girl was happier than a pig in shit and when something makes her that happy it makes me happy too.In my teens and early 20s, I never thought I would have this kid. I had my kid's aesthetic all picked out. She was gonna know who Lou Reed was and she was only going to wear baby Chuck Taylors.Now, I look back on the person I was who was thinking that way and realize how in my idiot, stuck up, borderline narcissistic head I was.My kid, exposed to everything she could be exposed to between me, her dad, her friends, and her gaggle of grandparents, took to Disney Princesses. She loves pink. She could wear pink and glitter and purple and tulle every day forever. She likes those funny light up clunky Sketchers shoes that I hated even when I was her age.And the more I keep doing this parenting thing the more I realize I don't care. I love her to death just the way she is. She is aware that her and mommy have different tastes but that we can respect each other's tastes too. When she puts on a huge purple glittery my little pony dress that I don't like, she asks me what I think and I say "well how do you feel? You look like you feel really good in that!" And she says yeah and that's all that matters.So, my kid's been into Kidz Bop lately and yeah, there's a part of me that really hates it and wishes she had never been exposed to it because I feel like a lot of the values expressed in popular hit music aren't values I really want her to adopt.But at the same time, I also don't want to yuck her yum. She's happy listening to it and she doesn't like the stuff I show her really, and I don't want to discourage her from liking things she likes.I will say that sometimes I see parents raising their kids exclusively on old music and old TV shows and not really giving them much choice with their wardrobe, dressing them like little hipsters and then posting pictures of them online all over the place and I often wonder if some of us (myself included) get caught in the trap I think a lot of parents can get caught up in where they subconsciously just need to see little versions of themselves in order to feel connected to their kid.I know of parents who straight up won't let their kid watch a show they like just because the parent wants them to watch 80s cartoons instead or something...or won't let their kid have the light up Sketchers because they think they're ugly shoes.This whole Kidz Bop thing I'm on the border of because again, I don't want my kid to grow up valuing mass consumerism and toxic relationships TOO much, but then again I can't assume she would...she might just like to dance to Bruno Mars and isn't really paying attention to the lyrics.Anyway, tl; kid likes shit I hate and while I sometimes makes me uncomfortable I still just like seeing her happy. Does anyone relate to this experience? via /r/Parenting
Is this bad parenting on my part?
I have a 16 year old son and a 7 year old (we have more kids than that, but they're the only ones that matter for this question).I recently purchased a kit car for my 16 year old and I to build together. My plan is to buy all my kids something like this for us to do together as father and son/daughter when they're 16.My 7 year old son is really sad because his brother and I won't let him help with it. The point is for me to have a special one-on-one bonding project with each of my kids, so I've been telling my 7 year old to just wait until he's old enough and he'll get his own project.Of course, this hasn't done anything hut frustrate him. Part of me wants to simply tell him to stop being a brat, but the other part of me wonders if I'm being a bad parent and being inconsiderate of his feelings. via /r/Parenting
6 year old won't let me go to the bathroom
So my son is 6 years old and was diagnosed with autism at age two. We've dealt with varying degrees of anxiety in the past but most recently he's developed a fear of closed doors. This poses a huge problem when family members (including myself and siblings) need to use the restroom. It's also becoming a problem in public because if he or anyone else needs to use a public restroom he starts panicking.I've tried to talk to him at length about what he's afraid of. He just states he's afraid we will be in the bathroom too long and he will be scared. I'm hoping we can deal with his fears before he goes to first grade next year and doesn't want to use the bathroom like his peers. Any advice? via /r/Parenting
If you're having a hard time getting the children to play outside this summer..
I've discovered that going outside to read a good book in the quiet and sunshine inevitably leads to the little turds following me out there five minutes later, and the next thing ya know it's been 3 hours and the yard is full of nerf darts and happy squeals. BOOM. via /r/Parenting
Urban families living in small apartments (older kids)
We're a family of 4 living in a 2 bedroom apartment, 700 sq feet. We love living here for all the reasons that people choose to live in the city: walkable neighborhoods, lots of amenities, easy access to mass transportation.We have a 7 year old girl and 4 year old boy. Right now our kids share a bedroom. Common assumption is that when they hit their teenage years, they'll need their own rooms. But we're priced out of 3 bedrooms in this area, and we don't want to move to the burbs.Has anyone here made it work with their families (boy/girl combination)? Many of our friends with kids of the same gender plan on staying put as they can share a room.There's plenty of blogs featuring families with little babies, but almost nothing with older kids. Help /parenting? via /r/Parenting
A parenting win!
So my little guy, 3, hated lettuce and most things green as three year olds do. So this I year we did a little planter garden together and grew our own lettuce. Well now he can't get enough because he has to eat "his " lettuce that he worked hard for! Not only is he gardening he's eating lettuce. Anyway thanks for listening!!! via /r/Parenting
Daughters don't get along
My 11 daughter and 18 daughter are both always fighting. They both hate each other because they are so different. My 18 daughter is like me and she likes girly stuff and pop music. My 11 daughter likes boy things and metal/rock music. She has mental illnesses and her sister says she is a "queen of sassiness". She is unlike anyone in the family. My 18 daughter would make fun of her and tell her that see is a kid and has nothing to worry about. My 11 daughter would talk back and she never opens up to her or me. She is always mad from school but she doesn't get bullied and she looks so sad every time to go there. Not like how you would when you have to go somewhere you hate but like when you have to suffer from something bad. I talked to her school but she is doing good in grades and is very quiet and does not get bullied by kids. My 18 daughter would go to work and always tell me what is wrong. She would also tell me about bad things about my daughter in front of her and would take videos of my 11 daughter without her knowing. She got caught and they were fighting to either upload the video to the internet or to delete it.Sorry for my English. I am still trying to learn it via /r/Parenting
Just found out I'm pregnant. I'm scared, sad, anxious. Help me by telling me all the wonderful things about Parenthood?
First time mom. 28 married 6 years. Financially stable. Family happy. I suffer from anxiety and panic disorder and depression. Maxed out on Zoloft medicine.Need reasons this is a happy thing.Thanks <3 via /r/Parenting
[Update] Our baby won't stop crying. She is ruining our marriage, our older child is going insane, my wife wants to leave her at a fire station or separate and take our daughter with her.
First I just want to thank everyone for the support that they showed in my previous thread, and also offer encouragement to the parents who said that they were going through similar things. I was so touched by the outpouring of support and offers of help.So it seems like it was a combination of reflux and discomfort at the sound of her own crying. Very loud white noise, being in the water and reflux medicine all helped her.I am still staying with her at my friend's place and my daughter and wife are at home. The plan is that we will live apart until the end of August. Though I am a bit worried that my wife doesn't seem to want to bond with the baby, that is a hurdle for another day. via /r/Parenting
anyone who goes to a pediatric dentist, a quick question for you--
*i also posted this question in the dentist sub, but figured some of you here may know the answer too. somewhere around the years 1997-2001, my mom took me to a pediatric dentist (i was already 20 around then). it was THE best dental experience of my life. they put some visor like thing over my head so a television screen was right in front of my eyes, i think i had headphones in so i could hear the TV show (and not the drrrrrrrr of the dental machine sounds), and i could change the channel on my own so i watched the golden girls :-) this was before the iphone came out. i dont remember the name of the dentist or even the location, otherwise i'd go ask him what it was and buy one on my own. i thought i could buy a VR visor to put my iphone in to duplicate the effect, but the ones I bought unfortunately have a line split down the middle so you can't watch a show as usual. any thoughts/ideas? i just want to be able to watch tv or youtube via a phone right in front of my face so i don't have to see reality, and have ear phones in so i don't have to hear dental noise. do any of you have a pediatric dentist who has one of these, and if so, can you let me know what the name of that apparatus is? i want one for myself to bring with me when go to the dentist even though i'm definitely no longer a kid. any thoughts/tips appreciated. via /r/Parenting
How much to pay the tooth fairy? And what to say when others get paid much more!?!
My 4 year old is losing a lot of her baby teeth. We have always just done two dollars but her friends are getting $20 or more for a tooth. What are your thoughts? via /r/Parenting
Saturday, 29 July 2017
3 year old keeps asking me (mom) to smell her butt. Is that... Is that normal?
I'm hoping its just a phase as she asks me to smell her feet and arms, etc. I try telling her its rude and not nice to ask people to smell her butt. She just laughs. Note that she likes to be naked at home at night and I have no problem with that. I want her to be comfortable with her body as I was always made to be ashamed of mine.About a month ago she asked me to smell her finger and I was smart enough to ask where it had been and she proudly announced that it was in her butt. Ew.What do I do? I don't want to punish her, but convince her and teach her that this is not nice. I'm assuming this is something kids just go through while learning about their body. Is that wrong? Is this something weird or is it normal? via /r/Parenting
Is taking a child's money okay?
My son and his thirteen year old friend worked for three hours moving rocks to enlarge a koi pond. Both were paid $50 a piece. (Thanks, Grandma!)My son came home and told me his friend's dad took the $50 because "he pays for his food and roof over his head."Thoughts? via /r/Parenting
Should I say something to MIL about this (or have SO say something) or leave it alone?
I hope this doesn't wind up being a novel. If I leave out any background just ask and I'll give you the deets.SO and I have one 11 month old daughter together and I have a 17 year old from my first (way too young!) marriage. MIL keeps trying to sort of "enforce" her personal opinions on everyone. Some examples:She has repeatedly expressed her disapproval of my teen's choice to be a vegetarian. My daughter is very careful to get plenty of protein and all of the nutrients she needs. MIL is so overweight and in such poor health that she is basically dying of several different things at once, all caused by her lifelong horrible diet.She is constantly trying to push really unhealthy food on little one. We have her on a diet of mainly fruit and veggies, with some grains and lean meats. MIL is always like, "She's HUNGRY! Give her some jello! How about some ice cream? I have an apple pie! How about a cupcake?!" This is an 11 month old BABY. Who isn't whining for food and has finished her meal and let us know she's done. WTF?She is OBSESSED with trying to get our little one into certain cartoon characters. I have no idea why. We have decided that we want to leave it up to our child to decide what she will be into when she's older, not force her to dress in nothing but Disney princess items or whatever. When we have explained that to her, she actually says, "Well you have to get them started young or they'll choose to like something else." UM, WE DON'T LIKE THAT SHIT. Why would we want our child to like it, so she can play it with YOU once every few months?! Give me a break!She keeps trying to find a way to get our little one her birthday dress. We have already chosen her dress and we love it. And we're her fucking parents for godsake, we get to pick out her first birthday dress! MIL already had her kids, and I'm sure she picked their first birthday clothes!So there are a few examples. She annoys the crap out of me as you can tell. The issue is that she also constantly asks to babysit, but we don't want to let her because her behavior indicates that no matter what we tell her, she will do whatever she pleases with our baby and we don't like that. It's one thing for grandma to spoil the kid, but she shows a total disregard for everything we try to put in place. She's criticized our kid's nap schedule, the clothes we put her in, her bedtime, the fact that I breastfeed her, you name it. And we are doing everything as recommended by her pediatrician so it's not like we're doing something WRONG.My question is, should we try to explain to her WHY we don't take her up on her constant babysitting offers, or should we just keep blowing her off with excuses? via /r/Parenting
How to politely tell play date guests to leave?
Hi. Please help! How do I tell them to leave? They've been here for 4 hours. Our 5yo is having fun with this playmate but I'm so over this now, it's been waaay too long.Edit: the mom is here at our house too and she won't leave either 😩UPDATE: I used the "OK, time to wrap it up, I gotta start making dinner." It took them about 30 mins to leave. I probably won't have any play dates for awhile hehe. Thanks everyone! via /r/Parenting
How does this "playing next door" thing work?
My daughter is soon to be 4 and a very social only kid. There are kids next door ages 8, 6, and 2. My daughter loves to play with them, if they're outside she will ask to go over and play. Should I let her go over? How often? I've told the neighbors to always send her home if they're sick of her but I feel very guilty because their kids never come ask my kid to play, and the playing always happens at their place.I'm friendly with the neighbors but not super close. I've told my kid she's not to go inside their home, I trust them and everything but I think it's a good boundary. via /r/Parenting
Trying to teach adopted 10yr. old about his junk..
He's 10, about to be 11, and has no idea about his penis or the feelings he gets from it. So I sit on his bed and try to have a serious conversation with him on how a males penis sometimes gets bigger... When all a sudden he starts sobbing and then crying hystericallyNow a little bit of a back story: his Bio-father finally came into his life when he was 6yrz old, and according to his mom, he cried and hates his Bio-father whenever he had to go see him on the weekends because of what appears to be abuse. Now, ive only been in their life for a couple years but have already adopted the kid as my own, after his Bio-father relinquished all rights to him to me. I feel the child was abused because of tidbits he would tell my wife and I, but honestly he literally breaks down crying if we even mention his Bio-father so we can't get much out of him.Well tonight I caught him tugging on his little guy so I figured it is time to explain to him about the certain feelings that we men get when playing with it and what they mean. Well when I sat him on the bed, 30min after I caught him, and started to explain he bursts out crying like he is 2 yrz old and literally goes into a panic attack...So it basically sounds like he needs a therapist, am I right? Like maybe there is some abuse he is hiding he won't tell us? via /r/Parenting
Speech and Pre-School
Throwaway.Forgive any grammatical errors; it's Saturday, kids are out with Dad and I can almost see the bottom of my Chardonnay (bottle).I have three year old twin boys who have stayed home with me since day 1. They will be starting Pre-K in September and I am losing my mind."B" is having some problems with speech. We had him evaluated, in home, by early intervention at 1 year, 2 years and 2 years, 8 months. Each time we were told he has an expressive delay but was not far enough behind to warrant in-home services. At 1.5 years we took him to private therapy and was told he had a mild expressive delay and it would resolve itself.After our last early intervention evaluation at 2.8 months, I, in my heart knew that "B" was slipping further behind his brother but did not want to acknowledge that there was a serious issue. Just hoping against hope that he would miraculously catch up (stupid, I know)Last month "B's" brother has started stringing together 7 and 8 word sentences while he is very inconsistent with speech. "B" will use up to four word sentences, crisp and clear. Other times he will mumble and leave off the ends of words or use 1 or two word phrases. He is a super intelligent child who only lacks in consistency of speech.We started speech therapy a month ago and I am totally lost. The therapist has not given us a diagnosis, but is leaning towards phonological disorder.Side note This is TOTALLY my fault. I have always talked to my kids since they were newborns, narrating my life as I go about my day, and speaking in third person often. i.e "Mommy is making dinner", etcSo on Tuesday, the therapist heard my Son say, "B" wants cake" and tells me that kids are going to make fun of him at school because his speech is behind. He should be referring to himself in first person and that kids are cruel, he can be bullied, and should be speaking like his brother, etc.I'm crushed.Having dealt with a speech impediment (lisp) for most of my childhood I know first hand how cruel and mean kids can be. I'm not very sensitive (? word usage) so it never "hurt" but I cannot imagine anyone hurting my child's feelings by telling him he talks like a baby.I'm almost at a point where I want to keep "B" home another year to protect him but, I know I can't protect him forever. Maybe I should have put them in school a year ago?Does anyone have any experience with any of this? Phonological disorder? Pre-K bullying? I'm lost and spiraling downwards. I literally can't sleep at night because I'm so worried about him. via /r/Parenting
My mother lies
My daughter is 15 months old and my mother has only came to see her 1 time. She lies to her friends and our family that she DOES see her. She's say these lies infront of my face. My wife says I should correct her but I'm not sure.Edit: My mother lies at family parties at her place. via /r/Parenting
My daughter’s mind lives on another planet.
When she was really little her nick name became cadet (space cadet). She is now 4 years old and is still on another planet. Putting her shoes on takes 10 reminders. She spills her drink because she twists her head to check out a noise, she slops her food because she “forgot” there was food on her spoon, she misplaces toys that are in her hand. She gets distracted by the flowers or the bugs or the big cloud. She’s loud and funny, and runs from dawn till after dusk. She is always covered in bumps and scratches from climbing, jumping, hopping, dashing everywhere. Sometimes she’ll ask for something and in the 10 seconds it takes for me to fulfill the request she has forgotten she asked for it. She’ll while away the afternoon in her own mind and imagination. She could play with only her toes and string for a day.Everything takes forever because she gets distracted in the middle. Eye contact, simple one step instructions and physically holding her hand to get a thing done works pretty well for most things but not for the bathroom.She will pee all over herself multiple times a day. She doesn’t notice her need to pee and she doesn’t care when she soaked in it.Even with reminders to pee she has accidents, she sits on the toilet but her body isn’t relaxed enough to pee because she tapping her toes, and twirling her hair. She can sit there for 2 minutes, sitting as still as she is capable, not pee, get up and then pee all over herself 30 minutes later.I have stopped cleaning up after her and make her change herself and clean up the mess but she cries the entire time overwhelmed by the enormity of the task. She threw up the other day from crying so hard. This is the only thing she ever cries about, big tasks. It’s too big, too much, too many etc… So instead of saying oops accidents happen here are the tools to solve this problem I have to supervise and help while she cries until she can’t breathe because her pants are “stuck”. I am losing my cool, unless I intervene she’ll never change herself voluntarily, she will put her pee soaked bottom on furniture and people and unless I manage the cleanup she’ll lose it until the point of getting physically ill and hyperventilating. Every accident results in a 40 minute clean up and I just don’t have that kind of time.Getting VERY serious about the threat of natural consequence leads to some improvement for a few days at best. “If you have accidents (during the day) at Grandma’s house she will send you home and you won’t get a sleep over. Grandma is too old and achy to change a big girl’s bum.”I know that I have made things worse by looking and getting angry but it’s been going on for months and I can’t keep up with the laundry, bedding or couch cleaner.Is there any way I can help my daughter focus on tasks at hand, and listen to her own body. The peeing thing is very frustrating and it’s symptomatic of her absent mindedness. via /r/Parenting
Teeth in 10 month old
So our little guy Marshall has his a ton of teeth coming in. I believe they started coming in around 3 months old.So we've noticed that there is what looks like spots on his teeth, almost like decay (MIL thinks it's plaque). We've been brushing his teeth two times a day.My wife has set up a dentist appointment for him...He's been eating solids well (both Gerber's and our food).Has anyone else gone through this? Is this something we should be concerned about? via /r/Parenting
Your opinions about fine motor skills?
So: My son is going to be 5 in October. He has no particular interest in drawing or coloring anything. Lately I started printing out words he likes in a "hollow" font and ask him to trace them. He sometimes does it on his own, and sometimes I print a sheet of particular forms (like L's or O's) and ask him to fill it out before he can watch a video clip or something. I hope this will help him achieve smoother pen movements.Is this somehow over the top? We're home"schooling" him, so I lack comparison about what he should do at this age (is there anything at all? I think he will have to be able to use a pen she entering school,what will be shortly before his 7th birthday, so it still seems like plenty of time.)I just felt we were doing nothing particularly educational/useful lately, and he seemed to somewhat like it. (Printing something is already exciting!) via /r/Parenting
Feel bad
Hello all, wanted to get some insight from others on this. My house has hard wood floors and when my kids are playing they tend to get worked up and start running around, this drives me crazy, it literally shakes the house and I start yelling for them to stop running. Does anyone else have this problem? via /r/Parenting
Chores for Rewards
Hi all.What are your thoughts on kids/teens doing chores for rewards? Pros and cons?For example, I like the idea of having my kid(s) do extra work around the house or in the yard/cars in order to earn money. But regular chores shouldn't be rewarded, like doing the dishes, trash, etc.I think this is a healthy balance of teaching them that some stuff just needs to get done (dishes and trash) and you won't really be rewarded for it, but working for money happens in adulthood, and that's where the yard work (outside of cutting the grass) and general house maintenance comes into play.I'd love to hear what you have to say. My kid is a little too young right now so I'm still adjusting and learning for when the time comes. via /r/Parenting
Advice needed re inappropriate picture
I just gave my daughters (just under 4 and 6.5) an old camera of mine, and they've been taking some fun pictures around the house and of our family.But I looked at the pictures they took yesterday, and there was a very clear shot (apparently taken by my 3 year old) of my six year old's vagina.Now, I don't think there is anything sexual or dangerous or abusive involved at all -- they're just at the age where they think vaginas are funny and haven't quite developed a sense of privacy yet. But nevertheless, I'd like to nip this new fun game in the bud and explain to them that they cannot take pictures of their private parts with a camera.Any tips on an age-appropriate way to explain why that's such a bad idea? Thanks /r/Parenting! via /r/Parenting
Any tips for going on a 10 Hour drive with a nine-month-old?
No text found via /r/Parenting
Inappropriate behaviour? Please help.
I have 2 boys, aged 9 and 5. I'm 41 and a little bit conservative. My wife's so called bff is gay (king). They were good friends since their university days. He sometimes says or does inappropriate things.For example, today while on a boat about to go for a short trip, taking a photo of my wife and kids, he laughingly told them to grab her breasts. A lot of these photos that their group takes ends up on Facebook, but some don't.I'd like to know how many find this inappropriate?I asked my wife to have a chat with him about this, and she did, but also said to me that there are plenty of inappropriate things in life that our kids will come across and that we shouldn't shelter the kids so much.This is not the first instance of inappropriateness, nor is it the first time I've asked her to talk to him about it. We've had major arguments about his behavior which I find inappropriate. We are all Asians (for your cultural background information) and come from decent, somewhat conservative families.Since then I've holed myself up in the hotel room refusing to take part in other activities like swimming at the pool and dinners. Yes, I'm pouting. I just don't want to witness any more inappropriate stuff.There is some additional background information about my wife's group that I can get into, but it's long and may not be relevant. via /r/Parenting
Am I a bad father?
Sorry guys and gals, this will be a little long winded.So to give a little backstory I am currently working 2 jobs, a part time job loading packages into UPS trailers (6:00 PM-9-9:30 PM M-F) and a full time security job overnight (11PM-7AM Tues-Sat). This schedule essentially looks like this Most days (excluding Sunday and Monday) I get home around 7:30AM in bed by 9-10AM, and up by 5PMish. Then work from 6PM-7AM between my two jobs.My wife, who has her Bachelors in Education and is currently having trouble landing a teaching job, has no work but stays with our 2 y/o son during the day. Because of our financial situation we have to stay with my in-laws and sleep in a makeshift room in the basement. My son is out of daycare for most of the summer, but still goes thurs & fri for a few hours in the morning to stay in the habit.It has been a fight with my wife about how much time I get to see my son, due to my many work hours a day and needing to sleep during the day. I have Sundays off completely, though I work all night Saturday which makes staying up all day Sunday tough. Regardless, Sunday is kind of "Family" day to me. Otherwise I see my son for about an hour or 2 a day (usually for an hour before I go to sleep, and again for an hour before I head off to work). The current fight revolves around Thursday and Friday. Because my son goes to daycare at about the same time I get home from my job, I tend to use that hour I would have spent with him to do ME things (play video games, watch TV, eat) instead. I then usually get to sleep until 5-6PM. The fight is this: I chose to stay up and relax fro a few, which makes me get up later, which makes me miss that hour with my son in the afternoon (since I sleep a little longer). She claims I'm being selfish and a bad father since I didn't get to see my boy. I feel guilty already for not being around a lot, but I also feel like I need that time for my sanity. Am I being selfish? via /r/Parenting
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