Okay, I am just going to lay it all out here:My daughter is ten months old. Since around three months old, she has been great at sleeping through the night. Currently, she sleeps about ten hours a night, waking up once in the night about 1-2 nights a week. The problem is, she cannot get to sleep on her own.From about the age of four months until ten months, she has been sleeping in a Merlin Magic Sleepsuit. It has worked out this long because she hasn't had much interest in rolling until recently. Once we realized she could roll onto her tummy wearing the suit, we quit using it. Our sleep routine is as follows: listen to a song while putting pajamas on, reading a book and drink a night time bottle. Before we quit using the Sleepsuit, she would usually fall asleep drinking the bottle or could easily be rocked to sleep. Since the Sleepsuit has been gone, sleep has gotten more challenging. She has been out of the Sleepsuit for a week and has no longer been falling asleep after her night bottle. After the bottle and rocking her for a few minutes, I have been putting her in the crib and leaving her in the room by herself for a bit. She is usually content for a while and then after a few minutes starts to cry, getting more and more upset until I go back in. At that point, I give her another little bottle and rock her to sleep.Today, I did my usual nap routine, feeding her a bottle until she drifts off, letting her sleep a few minutes and then transferring her to her crib. I was desperately tired after her 5:30am wake up call and was looking forward to a nap myself. However, as soon as her little body touched that crib mattress, she was awake. It was then I decided it was time for sleep training. Originally, I had planned on sleep training around six months. However, three days before she turned six months, I broke my ankle and had to have surgery. Since I could not walk for eight weeks and I handle all things sleep, I decided to put it off, then it became an "if it ain't broke..." sort of thing.I have never thought my daughter would be a good candidate for the Ferber method. Whenever I have tried to let her cry for a while to fall back asleep on her own, it has always been a disaster. One time, she cried so hard she vommited and I felt like the worst parent of all time. Tonight, I decided to take a more gentle approach. I feed her the last bottle and while she was half asleep I put her in her crib. She instantly started crying. I stayed in the room with her, alternating between ignoring her, talking to her and offering gentle pats and back rubs. Nothing worked and she cried and screamed a solid hour. At that point, I gave up. I gave her a small bottle and she fell asleep in my arms within minutes.I'll admit, I have never read a sleep training book. And I don't know where to start. I just know that once this child turns one, the bottle is going away and I can't rock her to sleep in college. Please help! Reading recommendations, personal stories, and advice are encouraged and GREATLY appreciated!TLDR: my daughter can't fall asleep on her own. Help!!! via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/28TJSKV
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