Not sure if this is allowed here but would sure appreciate advice if it is. Here’s my situation:When my SO was a child, around 10-12 years old, her brother, three years older, sexually assaulted her numerous times. It’s something she told me early on in the relationship, about three months in. She’s never really talked about it ever again. I’ve asked if she wants to talk about it but she says she prefers not to, which I respect. I’ve suggested maybe she should seek therapy about what is undeniably a scarring time in her life but she doesn’t want to and I can’t push her to do it.Her parents, for their part, have always made excuses for their son. “He was just a kid”, “he’s changed now and he doesn’t do that”. They know full-well the details of what went on and have never even made a point to say that he was wrong. Let alone consider cutting him out of their lives entirely.In general, their son is simply a bad person. He was kicked out of all the schools in his area and dropped out completely by the time he was in 8th grade. He got into drugs and started selling them, cocaine and meth specifically. We’re in Eastern Canada and he eventually moved out West to work some construction jobs. Personally, I’ve only met him like 3 times in the 5 years we’ve been together and it’s been difficult to hold myself from straight up clocking this motherfucker in the face every time I’ve seen him.Well out west, he started getting into some real trouble and some actual tough dudes. He started running out of money quick so he decided he was going to start frauding checks by depositing fake ones in his account and immediately trying to withdraw the money. We’re talking thousands of dollars that he tried to do this with. The dude is really stupid.He got caught and incarcerated, he’s currently serving 12-14 months in jail and due out early 2019. His plan once he is out is to move back home and live with his parents so he can “get back on his feet”. His parents claim he’s changed for real this time and that he’s clean and sober. Well no shit, he’s in jail. Let’s see how he fares when he gets out and has actual access to drugs again.Here’s the issue. We have a nearly three-year-old daughter. I have told my SO and their family that this is not up for debate. If that piece of crap moves back in with his parents, they can say goodbye to seeing their granddaughter for as long as he is living anywhere near that house. I can’t control how they reacted to their daughter’s abuse but I sure as shit am not putting my own daughter anywhere near a monster like their son. It’s important to note that they don’t live in the same place as us and whenever we visit, it has to be overnight stays because of the distance. Normally we go once a month or so. There is no way my daughter is sleeping under the same roof as this guy.They think I am overreacting. My SO doesn’t want to pick a side because “it’s still her family”. I have told her I am not budging on this and it’s not even up for discussion. She is upset with me but I will not move on this. I want her to see that bringing her over there is actively putting our daughter in a dangerous and easily avoidable situation. It’s bad parenting if we were to do that.What do you guys think? How do I handle making her see how crazy it would be of us to subject our daughter to spend time anywhere near a man who repeatedly sexually assaulted his own sister over the course of multiple years? I don’t care if it burns a bridge with her parents, they’re actively choosing to support him and I am not having any of that.I can maybe be okay with them seeing her if they come to our house, three hours away. The thing is they both work constantly, her father hates to travel, and in the 5 years we’ve been together, they have maybe come to our place twice. Whenever we see them, it’s us traveling to their house for a weekend which is unquestionably not going to happen with her brother around.TL;DR: My SO’s brother sexually assaulted when they were both kids. He’s since landed in jail and wants to move back home when he serves his sentence. I told her family there is no way I am letting them see my daughter when he is in their house. They are upset and my SO doesn’t want to pick a side. Opinions? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2q91lYW
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