Friday, 23 March 2018

Self doubting in life and school

Hello all. First time poster to this sub. I just received my sons 2nd term report card (5th grade, loves his teacher) and how marks are mostly pretty good, however, his teacher made some notes about how my son self doubts himself to the point he isn’t even trying in some subjects, mainly math. She also said he often doesn’t listen to the discussion/is easily distracted. (He does not have ADD/ADHD per his doctor). We see his at home too. He won’t try new things because “it’s too hard” or he “isn’t good at them”. But he doesn’t know if he isn’t because he won’t try. I am very similar in this way and have a lot of anxiety and was also terrible at math, even now as an adult I am embarrassed by my poor math skills. I am worried he is going to grow into an adult who consistently self doubts and becomes riddled with anxiety. I understand math is hard and he does really well in other subjects, he loves to read and write, he loves art and gym, he loves science and does well in social studies. So I feel it’s mainly not understanding math with a touch of distraction. How can I encourage my son to try harder, to pay attention more, to try new things? He is afraid of things most kids love and I just want him to be adventurous and smart and always willing to give it a go. He’s a wonderful, kind, smart and loving boy and I want him to live up to his potential without being a crazy pushy mom or coming off as disappointed in him. If anyone has any tactics, please let me know!TLDR: looking for ways to encourage my son to try new things and try harder in school without coming off as a disappointed/pushy parent via /r/Parenting

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