Disclaimer: I just had a big fight with my wife, so I may be a little emotional, forgive me for this. I just need to vent and I don't want to be disrespectful to my wife by whining to somebody she knows that might effect their opinion of her. So I am complaining to random people who will never meet us.I came from a family who used anger, yelling, verbal abuse, and mind games to bend other family members to their will. Screaming was a weekly thing at my house growing up. I told myself I never wanted to be like that, I never wanted to use violence to win an argument. I never wanted to use mind games to get one over on a family member. Keeping that in mind, I promised my wife that I would never scream at her, It didn't matter what the situation was, how angry I was, I would never scream at her, and I haven't. She didn't really promise the same thing but I guess I always held out hope that she would never scream at me, well today she did. I'm trying really hard to keep myself from letting it effect my opinion of her, but honestly I just don't want to be around her right now.The argument was an argument we have had several times but never have been able to resolve. She kept interrupting me, and to be fair we were both upset and emotional, but I finally had enough and walked away after telling her I couldn't handle the interrupting anymore. She apologized and to be fair I should have accepted the apology, but in my emotional mind I wanted her to feel bad so I said, "I can't even get a word out without you talking over me" That's when she, with our 15 month old son right next to her screamed, like actually screamed, "I was just apologizing!"In that moment I saw my dad in her like I never have, his anger, his disregard for what he says and who he says it around. I can't even look at her now because she just did something my abusive father would do. Forgive me if I'm being dramatic, I know screaming is a lot of times normal in relationships, but it isn't in this one, at least it wasn't.I'm not really looking for advice or sympathy, I just wanted to get my raw feelings out for people to see who have no vested interest in the situation. I hope this isn't disrespectful to my wife. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2DOiiMF
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