Friday, 23 March 2018

Explaining the N word.

My daughter is a typical white 7 year old in Toronto. She and her friends have discovered swearing and swap knowledge about what the F word is, what the S word is, what the B word is and so on. I’m pretty loose on swearing and the rule is not in front of others and not outside of the house.So we are in the car listening to the CBC and the speaker mentions the N word. Immediately my daughters ears perk up and she asks what the N word is. Now I should say that I’m pretty open with her. I try to explain most things to her, of course in an age appropriate way. She knows the difference between sex and gender, and understands gender like a thermometer...just as an example. Also thanks Drag Queen Storytime. We talk most thing through. This one threw me.I told her it was a very bad, very mean word used specifically to make people feel like they are not good enough. I told her that when she is older we can talk about what that word actually is, but not quite yet.Guys she wouldn’t let it go. ‘Just tell me, come on’. ‘I can understand it.’ ‘It’s nerd right? I know it’s nerd’. I stuck firm, mostly because I wasn’t sure what to say at all.It’s been about a month since that and she asks about it from time to time. I googled the topic and nothing seems to fit. Most articles are about what to do if your kids says the n word, what to do if your kids get called the n word, or academic pieces about the n word itself. I was hoping that she would just let it go and I could avoid it, the privilege of that is not lost on me. Also I don’t want some kid to tell her about it without and good explanation. I also don’t want her to be the kid who tells other kids.I ask my mommy friends and I get either ‘yeah that’s a tough one’ or a local anti racism Facebook group says ‘ I don’t want to do those emotional labour for you’ and refuses to post the question to the group.So I turn here. Any ideas? Resources? Experiences? via /r/Parenting

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