Saturday, 24 March 2018

Does this seem neglectful or am I overreacting here?

Today I had some work to do upstairs for about 2 hrs. My 2 yo had been put down for a nap and my 4 yo was watching a movie with my husband. When I’m finished with my work, I look at my phone and see a text from my husband. It said he had to leave because he was going to snap if he didn’t get out of the house. I called trying to figure out what the hell happened. He said the 2 yo pooped so he changed him & put him back down for his nap (he hadn’t fallen asleep yet). My husband went back down and apparently said 2 yo kept crying. He went up, snuggled with him, then left the room. He continued to cry. Husband sat on couch and my 4 yo jumped on him (likely trying to get his attention) and that’s when my husband said he had to leave. I understand he needed space but he didn’t even tell me he was leaving & I wouldn’t have been able to hear if something were wrong. I said why didn’t you come get me and tell me? His response was, “well what else would’ve happened? I needed to leave.” Ughh you could’ve told me & sent the 4 yo upstairs with me. This kind of bs supports why I feel like a single parent. Does anyone else think this is borderline neglect on his part or should I take a deep breath and let it go??! via /r/Parenting

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