Hi, guys. I'm a fairly new Reddit user so I apologize if this is the incorrect thread, I can't seem to find one on law knowledge so I thought this is the closest catagory I can ask on. But my son got beat by a much older kid (this guy is apparently seventeen, and called Stu) and I don't know the full story as to why, but I'll get into that in a second. However, as a parent, I want to know if I have any say on what charges this other kid could face since the police are now onto him and he is awaiting a possible criminal record.So, yesterday, two of my son's friends came banging on my door and said that my son is about to get beaten by a bunch of guys and that they had to run away from them. So, I obviously I went out to look for him and I later found my son walking home crying. He had no visible injuries but he was clearly shaken up. So, I took him home and I demanded to know what happened. Apparently, this Stu guy wanted to beat him up for months because my other 10-year-old son said something to him and Stu thought that my 14 year old set him up to say it (although, he denies that he did and I believe him.) Stu and his friends apparently chased him every time my son went out with his friends and they ran from them many times and got away.But this time, my son said that he wanted the conflict over with and stopped running when they chased him yesterday lunchtime. Stu apparenly punched him, and choked him out. My son didn't fight back (and he was told by Stu's friends that if he did fight back, they would jump in on him). What bothered me furthur was that they waited until my son woke up seconds later, and then Stu choked him out again another two times. My boy woke up dazed each time and he said he was extremely scared, as he should be with these group of cowardly bastards. Of course, I was livid and my husband and I went over to this guy's house and because he wasn't in (and lucky he wasn't, I wanted to pull the hair off of this little shit's head for hitting my son although that would probably get me in trouble too). I told his mother that I will be calling the police and I got in a heated exchange with her because she said my son deserved it and slammed the door on me.Now, I'm not one to judge, but it was obvious that his mother was drunk (at 2PM in the afternoon), and this Stu clearly had upbringing issues. The police said they already knew him and he could be going to prison due to the age difference. Now, I couldn't care less if my 10-year-old was set up to say petty mom jokes to Stu, my son is 14 and this guy and his friends should have left it and acted like adults.I'm still seriously fuming about this but what else can I do to ensure this guy gets put away? And is my son under any danger of concussion? He's completely fine now and is normal but would I be right in taking him to a doctor? Thank you all in advance. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2pyZc88
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