Wednesday, 31 January 2018

13 year old daughter has no friends from school.

She doesn't even try. She has a few girls she sees occasionally outside of school but has zero interest in social media or contacting anyone when she is home. None. Just watches tv and goes to tennis lessons. It makes me worry. Only child too. Pretty. Thin. Athletic. Good clothes. Not gifted. Not in remedial. via /r/Parenting

Intussusception sucks big time.

It isn’t like we need any other things to be wary of as parents but I just thought I would put this out there in case anyone else can spare their baby a bit of pain.Intussusception. Have you heard of it? Until yesterday I hadn’t, but apparently it is fairly common in toddlers between 6 mos and 3 years old and it is VERY painful. The ER nurse told us this is the fourth case she’s seen this week. How can this be so common and I’ve never heard of it?!On Sunday morning after breakfast my son started screaming in pain, like I have never heard before, and crying “My tummy hurts! My tummy hurts!” I thought, oh no, here we go with the flu. I tried to keep him comfy all day but the pain kept coming in waves about every 15 minutes. He never got a fever and he only threw up once. I thought maybe appendicitis? Maybe constipation? Still no fever and it seemed like it was getting better so we didn’t take him in. When he woke up Monday he seemed much better, no crying in pain. Then he ate breakfast and it started again, but worse this time. We made him an appointment at his pediatrician but they were full all the way until evening so we waited and tried to get him to rest. He was in so much pain that he would cry out and then fall straight asleep.As soon as we got in at the doctor and the nurses saw him coming in and out of sleep and screaming in pain they knew something was very wrong. The doctor came in and checked him out and said she thought it was intussusception and we needed to get to the pediatric ER but to expect to be transferred to our nearby bigger city’s children’s hospital because he might need surgery. Talk about panic! Saturday he was fine and now he needs surgery?!? WTF?!So in a panic off we went to the ER. They did an X-ray and an ultrasound and confirmed he would need to go to the other hospital and have the correction procedure. Intussusception is when part of their intestine folds in to another part, kind of like how a telescope collapses down on itself and it’s extremely painful. The only way to correct it is to go in either through the mouth or rectum and inflate that part of the intestine with air until it straightens out. If that fails then surgery is required. It has to be corrected, they call it reduced, as soon as possible or it could cause tissue death and a perforated bowel. We were taken by ambulance to the children’s hospital, they re-confirmed the intussusception and sent us up for the procedure.It was absolutely terrifying. He was awake, I was in a waiting room 5 rooms away and could hear him screaming from where I stood. There is nothing worse than knowing your baby is in pain and not being able to help them, apart from actively sending them in there and leaving them. It took 2 tries and it was corrected. After a few hours we were released and all seemed well. The doctors warned us that it could reoccur within 24 hours and sure enough at midnight on Tuesday he woke up crying in pain again. We are now back at Children’s hospital waiting for them to do the air enema again and dreading that he will be in pain but still hopeful that he won’t need surgery. He is sleeping from the medication and I hope to god he can stay asleep for the procedure this time.So this long story is so that you know, if your baby or toddler is in serious stomach pain that comes in waves about every 15 minutes and it doesn’t seem normal take them to the ER right away! It can be accompanied by fever, vomiting and sometimes diarrhea. They won’t want to eat or drink and will be overall pretty miserable in pain. I feel terrible that we waited so long, and it can end up being really dangerous if it is not treated quickly. I hope now you know a little bit about intussusception because I was clueless and my little guy suffered for it. via /r/Parenting

My 12 year old son stole $30 from my 8 year old daughter. How do I handle this?

So my son came to me this morning with $20 and he said he wanted to order a new computer mouse on Amazon. I asked him where he got the money and he said he found it in one of his pockets. The mouse he wants is $40. I told him he would need to work for the other $20 this weekend. A short time ago, my 8 year old daughter came in my office crying that $30 is missing from her desk. Pretty obvious what happened. Any advice on handling this with my son? I obviously need to talk to him about stealing but I am worried it will go over his 12 year old mind. via /r/Parenting

[Update] I want my tubes tied, how do I tell my husband?

Previous Post.Thank you for all the replies and considerations.Update: my husband was fine with it. He essentially said “okay” and went back to what he was doing, lol.We’d previously discussed a vasectomy, but he’s younger than me (29 this week!) and I hate the idea of taking away his option to have more children if we don’t stay together.It also gives me peace of mind to know my body will no longer be able to become pregnant.I was prepared for major surgery, but it turns out a tubal is now done laparoscopically, so it’s similarly non-invasive! 30 minutes, no anesthesia, 1-2 tiny incisions.{thanks u/divinechaos207 for the info} 😊I’m happy I chose this sub for the post. Getting to hear personal stories about this topic helped a lot, even if you decided against it!I even mourned a little. I felt “off” all day as I considered my potential regret. Having children is a miracle, no doubt. And what if I get better?But I’m also mourning my vitality. My illness started in childhood, and surged in puberty (as well as during pregnancy). If I get better, I’d like to spend the rest of my 30s enjoying my youth.Hopefully my OB will also be on board! 😆 via /r/Parenting

Pre-k teacher mentioned “red flags” - don’t know what to be worried about and it’s worrying me

I was pulled aside by my 4.5 year’s old pre k teacher this morning after a family event, and she nervously told me there were some red flags she was worried about with my son. She never outright mentioned autism, but it was like we were speaking in code. She was also extremely apologetic, which threw me off. I contacted my pediatrician to push further and follow up, but was wondering if I could get some feedback while I sit over here and worry.The first was he cries (gets very upset, covers his ears) at a specific letter show they watch in the classroom. This I was not surprised to hear. The first time this happened, the teacher told my mom, who drops him off and picks him up from school). My mom asked him about it in the car, and he told her he was worried that the show ended and both teachers were out talking in the hall and he wanted them to turn it off. Now he cries each time it ends, even if they are still in the classroom. He is also has begun to be particular about this at home, and begs us to turn off the tv at the end of each show so it doesn’t start the next thing on the DVR.The second was that when he first enters the classroom he wrings and flaps his hands until he settles into a toy during free play. This one stunned me. I have never seen him do this at home or when we go out. My mom says he is usually quiet and reserved, and nervous when she drops him off. Not his usually upbeat self. He kind of gets withdrawn. After she picks him up he usually chats the whole way home and seems to have enjoyed the school dayLast she says he does not approach other kids to play, rather lets them come to him, and only then he plays with them. I speak with him after school and he’s able to tell me who and what he’s played with. He doesn’t have a ton of friends, mainly another boy who is also very quiet, who he knows by name. He is very shy, and didn’t speak almost the whole time he was in 3 y/o pre-k in spite of almost never stopping talking at home with his family. I was really surprised when they told me he never talked! He is doing much better this year verbally and is interacting a lot more. I have also seen him play with his younger brother daily, cousin of similar age, and he occasionally talks to stranger kids on the playground and initiates play with them. He’s always very interested in other kids, even if he is not feeling brave enough to approach them. He also has no problem playing with and interacting with adults after a brief warm up period.I am extremely worried and guilty that I have somehow overlooked warning signs and have missed the opportunity for early intervention. He just seemed typical to me. Does this sound like he might be on the spectrum? Anxiety about school? I just want to make sure he remains the happy boy he is and help him improve if he needs it. via /r/Parenting

My 4 year old daughter tells me "Daddy is naughty!!"

Yesterday I get home from work and my 4 year old daughter starts to tell me that I'm naughty by pronouncing "Daddy is naughty!!" The conversation goes something like this:Her: Daddy, you're naughty!!Me: Ok, why am I naughty?Her: Because you took Mommy's credit card awayMe: I took her credit card away because she fell for an online scam, so I turned it off and she's getting a new one in 4-6 days. So, technically, Mommy is naughty.Her: No!! Daddy is naughty!!Me (internally): I'm never buying you a car. via /r/Parenting

Getting blocked by my toddler in new ways.

Using a throwaway for reasons.I'm going to start off by apologizing for the mature themes in this post, I'll try to keep the language reasonable.So my wife and I are the proud parents of an almost 3 year old (Thing 1) and an almost 2 month old (Thing 2). As is regular with having infants in our lives my wife and I have no time/mutual drive for intimate interactions.Last night I was able to fall into a dream where my wife and I were finally able to get some intimate time. We were starting to get things going, and just before I was able to go all the way I hear Thing 1 shout "DADDY!" over the baby monitor.Snap to, I'm in my bed at 3 am and wife is feeding Thing 2. Thing 1 has awoken in the middle of the night and needs to be put back to sleep.My toddler blocked me in my dreams. via /r/Parenting

Kids (8F and 6M) never want to go to school. How can I solve this without yelling and going completely insane?

Going to try and keep this short but I have a history of rambling so sorry in advance.As the title reads, my 8f and 6m don't want to go to school. For my 8 year old this is a new thing. She started grade 2 this year and has been loving every day and gets upset when her brother is the one holding us back and making us late, but after being home for a week due to sickness she's starting to follow in his footsteps.Recently my kids picked up some sort of flu/sickness from school. They spent a week home. All of us, including my 3yo, caught it and it was a week of utter hell. Now everyone is better so I'm happy to say they can go back to class.Except I can't even get them to wake up. And then when they do finally wake up, my son especially, lays there and won't let me get him dressed let alone get out of bed. He keeps saying he's sick. If I pin him down and put on an item of clothing. He rips it off. We repeat the cycle until I start to get really frustrated and yell or cry. Some days he will eventually get ready and we end up being late, other days (because he pulls this a lot not just after being home sick) I end up telling him fine, He doesn't have to go, but we need to take his sister and I can't leave him home alone so he needs to get dressed. So he will finally get dressed and come downstairs to finish getting ready. Some days he lets me bring his backpack and I am able to drop him off. Other days, if I even touch his backpack he will rip his clothes off until I promise I'm not going to bring it.I have tried taking tv and devices away as consequences for not going and they don't care. They will spend the day playing together instead. I've tried bribing with the promise of a trampoline in summer if they can go every day for the rest of the year. They don't seem to care.I feel like a failure of a parent and I don't know what I'm doing wrong or what I can do to stop this. I can't force them to get dressed or carry them outside because we walk, can't pin them down into a car seat (they can unbuckle their seat belts anyways) plus I have a 3yo and 9w old to care for as well.Please help. I'm tired of fighting and crying and feeling like a failure. And I'm terrified my kids are going to be taken away from me, or that I'm going to be put in jail because I can't do something as simple as getting them to school. via /r/Parenting

Parents in therapy, do you tell your kids you're in therapy? If so, what do you tell them?

I won't get into the whole specifics of my situation so here are the bullet points:I never wanted kids.I ended up with an EXTREMELY challenging kid.We spent a solid 4 years fighting almost daily because of her behaviour and my inability to manage my emotions and accept my life as it was. Her worst traits were utter defiance and uncontrolled aggression towards everyone around her.I had an undiagnosed mental illness (recently discovered) that made my ability to cope with the challenges of parenting even more impossible, allowing me to convince myself I was a terrible parent and terrible person for doing the things I did and having the thoughts I was having.I'm a lot better now after seeing a therapist over the last 2 years.So my daughter is old enough now that she's starting to piece her world together, ask questions, and actually expects legitimate answers. She recently asked me why I go to the "doctor" so much because I'm never really sick. I didn't have a pre-planned answer at the time so I just told her it's something kind of private that I don't want to talk about right now. She seemed okay with that but I thought about it for a while and I wondered if it was something I should tell her, and if I do, what is an age-appropriate way to explain my situation to a 3rd grader?Obviously I'm not going to tell her I didn't want kids.Luckily she's aware of the concept of therapy because we all participated in a group program called SNAP a few years ago. The moderator of our group was named Debbie.What I thought of saying was something like this:"You know how we used to fight a lot and I used to get really mad and yell? Well, you know how I don't do that any more and I stay a lot calmer when we have fights? I knew I was getting too mad when we were fighting so I decided I needed to talk to someone like Debbie, but just by myself, so I could find something like a SNAP for dads to help me be a better dad." via /r/Parenting

I recently became guardian to my younger sister, but she refuses to listen to me.

I am 26, and my sister is 16. Our parents died last year, and I am now my sister's legal guardian. I don't have any kids, and I just don't know how to deal with her most of the time. She's such a nightmare. I seriously don't remember being like that at all when I was her age. Like, I tried to give her a midnight curfew, but she never sticks to it, and when I confront her about it, she goes crazy, starts yelling, swearing at me, saying I have no right to tell her what to do, and that our parents never gave her a curfew (I don't really know what their rules were about that; they always made me be home by 11, but I don't know what they did with her since I wasn't really home that much). She is getting C's and D's in most of her classes, and it's the same type of yelling if I confront her about it. She got a speeding ticket once, and I tried to ground her from her car; it was a literal wrestling match to get the keys from her, and I hid them in my room, but she just came in and looked through my stuff until she found them. I don't know how to deal with a teenager! I don't know how to enforce rules and stuff, especially when she brings up that I'm her brother, not her parent, and that I can't tell her what to do. When our parents were alive, I would always just threaten to tell Mom and Dad on her, but I can't do that, now...she's so insufferable, and I don't know what to do! via /r/Parenting

Weekly- Wallet Wednesday- January 31, 2018

This is a weekly thread where you can share pictures of your children and cute, crazy or awful things they have done. Please upload your pictures through Imgur and post the link as a comment. Feel free to share the context of the picture! If you are not a parent yourself, this is the place to ask us anything. Also, if you ever wonder who we are, click here to meet the mod team! via /r/Parenting

Shouted at my 1 year old and feel guilty

Last night I became very stressed with my one year old because she would not settle. After a long tantrum and lots of her tears, I got so frustrated I threw my phone on the floor, put her in her cot and slammed the bedroom door, breaking the handle. 5 minutes later I took her downstairs and put on her favourite TV program and she was really happy, while I sat watching it with her in my arms in tears of guilt. This morning when I left for work she was sad that i was leaving and tried to cling to me, which made me feel good, but my guilt from last night remains. I know I did the right thing by putting her in her cot and taking a breather but I still feel a bit worried about the way I handle my stress. Has anyone else ever felt this way? Is this normal for a dad of a 1 year old? She had some complications at birth which add to the stress, as well as my grandad passing away last week and my partner and I have literally no family support as her family are abroad and my family don't really care. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I just want to be the best dad I can be for my daughter. Thanks for listening. via /r/Parenting

16 mo won't sleep past 4 am

So sleep training went pretty well. We got through cio and now, even when she's cutting teeth, she'll wake up, cry for about 30 seconds and then go right back to sleep.Wakeup time however has been problematic ever since I went back to work. My wife had no commute and didn't go in till 8 am, so our daughter didn't get woken up too early by her getting ready. I had to get up at 4 am though to get to work 1.5 hours away when I went back. So my daughter would hear me up that early no matter how ninja like I got ready and things spiraled from there.What do you do? I read an article that explained that we just go in as soon as she starts, and rub her back and comfort her till she falls back to sleep, which makes me want to find this "Doctor" and lock him/her in the room with my wide awake screaming child. It just doesn't do anything as my daughter wakes up screaming immediately and is ready to go. We tried a few times to put her in bed with us with her morning bottle, but she just gets up and runs around the room. via /r/Parenting

I'm sure one day I'll master the magic sequence of words and actions...

...that means she gets out of bed, without being cross at me for waking her up.That she brushes her teeth, without lying prostrate on the floor crying "why do I have to do everything?"That she sits down and eats her breakfast, without screaming at her brother for not know that this morning she didn't want a yellow spoon, she wanted pink.That she gets her school uniform on, without bawling about the injustice of having to go to school.and so it goes, and so it goes.Yes I'm sure one day I'll learn the magic sequence of words and actions, but until then will you please, pretty please, for the love of god, PUT YOUR FUCKING SHOES ON!!!!!!11 - No actual swearing in front of the children occured but good God I can't Take it! via /r/Parenting

What's potty cleaning protocol?

So my kid just went potty in her potty for the first time.. woot woot! But it was poop and I wasn't prepared for this... how the heck do you get the poop out? Then what about the smears? Do you just rinse until clean? Do you disinfect? Super excited and grossed out. Parenting is weird. via /r/Parenting

Are we missing something? Is this real life? Tips to make things... easier???

Hi Everyone! My wife and I have an almost 2 year old, and an 8th month old. We have happy healthy kids, and we are very thankful that life on many fronts fell in line for us in order to support them.My wife and I work around the clock on all fronts before and after daycare.. and weekends. We have never left our two boys with anyone but my parents for maybe a couple hours on a weekend once in a while, or with a trusted babysitter after they are in bed so we can go out and eat at a restaurant. This might happen once a month or every other month.I think what is really missing is our health via going to a gym or just simply having an hour or two once a week not in the grind. Maybe we are just at a stage where are young ones are too young to allow us that.. or maybe some people here have some good suggestions? I don't know the answer.. all I know is that my wife and I are feeling incredibly worn down while also feeling like we are neglecting our own health. I feel like we are in sort of a catch 22.. it is tough to care for both kids at the same time with only one of us around... tough for us to leave them during hours they are actually at home with us on a weekend.. tough to trust someone to watch them other than my parents... and at the end of the day money is pretty tight and it is tough to afford on a weekly basis someone to come each weekend to maybe watch them for a couple of hours.So anyways.. I KNOW there are a bazillion of you out there who may have been in these shoes and had to make some sort of change to spruce up your health and be even better parents... or maybe we are just screwed for a year or two more until the kids get a bit older??? via /r/Parenting

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

So proud of my little guy

A little background:I'm the father of a wonderful, smart, happy, affectionate 3-year old little guy. He also happens to have ASD.Early in the fall, shortly before his third birthday (and just after he had started at his first preschool), he received his diagnosis. He has some sensory challenges, delayed speech, and definite self-regulation and control challenges - but he is incredibly gifted in other ways.Despite loving his first preschool, I believe he was a bit too much. Concerns about transitioning between activities, lack of interest in other children, and him being "disruptive" caused some concerns with his teacher, and we ultimately removed him from the school. We were heartbroken, and honestly I think he was too. He asked for weeks to go back to school, asking for his teacher by name (which, if you knew him, you would know he really does not ask for people by name).After his diagnosis, we struggled to come up with the right blend of services for him. ABA-VB, Speech, OT, School, etc. Luckily for us, we found an absolutely wonderful school in the next town over, which as it turns out is renowned for its special needs, and specifically ASD services.Now to the good stuff. My little guy has absolutely thrived. His mother and I remarked today that his progress report is like another kid, compared to his last school. His teacher remarked that he is mindful of the rules, consistently the first one to sit on the carpet for circle time, and completes every station (and cleans up!). She said how wonderfully sweet he is, and that he's mastered all the skills required for the 3-4 year old program and she'd like him moved to the 4-5 year old program. This school has clearly helped him blossom into everything we know he's capable of.After school, and another day of not napping (ugh), he had an awesome day at swim class - he got promoted to the next level. He loves it so much, and has been swimming since he was three months old. I love that he loves swimming so much, he's so comfortable in the water, and absolutely a natural. Without a doubt its another one of his special gifts.He still faces challenges, but he is absolutely the sweetest, happiest, most loving little boy you'll ever meet. He's so smart, funny, and awesome. I am just so incredibly lucky to be his dad, and I had to tell everyone.Being the parent of an ASD kid, or a kid with any special need is tough. Believe me, I know. But, hang in there, because they can and will surprise and amaze you as well.Today was a really, really good day. Thanks for reading. via /r/Parenting

I just want to loudly complain about restaurants that don’t have changing tables in their gigantic bathrooms.

Not talking about bar type restaurants or super fancy places that may not see a lot of kids and the huge koala type table might fuck with their vibe. I mean regular old “let’s pop in for lunch” places that have a kids menu but still no fucking changing table in their bathroom. Or a chair.I’m a new mom, and downtown doesn’t have the kind of parking where you can just run to your car. What if i didn’t even own a car? I have a mat to change her on, yea. Where the fuck am I supposed to change her? On the table? On the bench? Next to all the people eating?? Outside in the 30 degree rainy weather??They cost like $200. via /r/Parenting

I have successfully made my child back out of a room slowly

I just figured there is a lot of stress with parenting and we forget the fun things of it. I remember when I was a kid, there were times I'd catch my parents being weird and I would just slowly back out. I just had said experience with my own child (5m.)I was in my room, dancing to Genghis Khan (in a pleasant mood,) he comes storming in. I jump turn to him, continuing my dancing and he just stops everything and just slow reverse walks around the corner of the door. I feel like I've achieved something.It's the little things in life (literally,) that can make you feel pretty good. via /r/Parenting

My (f,1) baby was taken advantage of by her uncle (m, 5)

I am a new mom, and my daughter is about to turn one in a month. We currently live with her grandparents, my boyfriends parents. His parents also have a 5 year old, Ethan. It's a pretty full house but we have our own area and only have to share the kitchen, but now I feel like we're trapped until we can get into our apartment. I'm not sure if I'm overreacting, I've read into the red flags and normal vs uncommon behaviors for Ethan's age group, trying to see if it's a normal phase or not but I'm not coming up with a lot. I have the worst pit in my stomach and I feel the need to do something or at least learn how to approach this. I'll just explain the situation and give a little backstory and maybe experienced parents or someone who works in the field could give me some advice/info.Since he found out I was pregnant, Ethan has been ecstatic to be an uncle. He's honestly a really difficult kid, but he's always been positive about his niece coming along. Once she came though, he had horrible sibling rivalry, if that's what you could call it. His mom and dad would be cooing over the baby, and he'd start hitting them for attention, or screaming, or breaking stuff, just always through a tantrum the moment he realized he wasn't getting attention or negative attention. Once baby got older, he'd demand to play with her, and then shove her down when no one looked. He's been spanked for scratching her face, he pinches her, been told no plenty of times and in a way I think is too lenient. For some reason, everyone talks to the kid like he's fragile and going to break, and I think he picks up on this, so when someone tries to teach him right from wrong, he just screams cuss words at you and cries, or runs away and ignores you the entire time you talk to him. He's told us he likes the sound of the baby crying even. I really don't want to sound offensive, but this kid shows signs of being a sociopath. Or he's just an extreme case of jealousy. He couldn't handle being told no, or to be quiet, and honestly it's not his fault. His dad works all day everyday to provide while his mom tweaks/sleeps out in her room, leaving the kid alone all day long to roam and do what he pleases. He's been brought back by neighbors for leaving the house naked and wandering around town, he beats the dog with no repercussions, makes any mess he can, etc. Just think of the nightmare your five year old could cause without supervision, and that's what his mom willingly chooses everyday and then rapid cleans before her husband gets home. Trust me, I know. I honestly should call DHS and report her treatment of him or at least tell his dad, but the whole family has agreed to not say anything to Ethan's dad or make a report, and my boyfriend & his family have demanded I do the same. His dad is aware of the problem but we think he's in denial about how bad the situation is. When we told him what Ethan had done, he just turned red in the face and dismissed us, said he'd talk to him. The man is a great dad, but being gone all day until right before bed time doesn't give a lot of parenting time. He just wants to have a good time with his kid when he gets home, not punish him every time he walks through the door. It's a rock and a hard place for sure. Well, allowing Ethan's behavior for this long and complete lack of parenting has probably led to the event that happened last night. My boyfriend and I were making Ethan and the baby some dinner while they were playing in the kitchen together. At this point, from nova being hurt so much by him we can only let them play right in front of us both. If it's just one adult, the kid still does fucked stuff to the baby and just walks away quietly & mad when they tell him to stop. Bf and I round the corner for a second to put away some pots, and when we turned back around, Ethan has her hand shoved against his little red dick. Ethan's face when we all made eye contact was too revealing of the situation. He looked like he had been caught doing something bad . My bf snapped at him pretty fast, clearly upset but tried to word it in a way where Ethan could understand he can't be doing that. Ethan just turned on his heel and went to sit with his dad in the living room. My bf and I were pretty taken aback, since we never thought Ethan's bullying would turn sexual in any way. We both had no idea how to handle it, so he went to tell his & Ethan's mom what Ethan had done. I guess she was half asleep and just asked that he be sent down there to talk to her, but we both don't know what became of that talk. My bf went to get Ethan, and he wouldn't even look at him. His dad told him to listen, and to go see his mom, but Ethan wouldn't budge and started glaring at his older brother. His dad asked why he wasn't listening, and my bf told the truth, Ethan was acting weird because he just made the baby rub his penis. Ethan's dad's face turned pretty red and he made Ethan go downstairs, and just told us that he'd talk to him and dropped it at that. I'm sure he's embarrassed because we've had to go tell him countless times of Ethan hurting the baby or trying too, or even Ethan's dad catches him doing it. The whole house is very aware of Ethan's bullying and being a bad kid in general, but they all insist it's a phase. My bf and I have been told not to parent Ethan either, and to just get his mom or dad if he's doing something, but clearly that hasn't been working and I could see on his dad's face he felt embarrassed about it all. I feel embarrassed as well. I've always had a pit in my stomach about this kid but was never allowed to say anything because he's "family" or "it's not my place". I really feel like it's my place now, and it always should of been. I'm just not sure what to do or how to go about this all. I know it's a sensitive subject and if we handle it the wrong way, it could hurt Ethan even more. We move into our own place in a week, so we won't have to worry about letting the baby run loose, but it doesn't change family. Ethan is still her uncle, and the family still wants them to play together and him be invited to her birthday party coming up and I just feel alone in defending my baby. I know there are a lot of specifics in situations like this so if anyone has questions, please ask away. As I've said before, I'm new to parenting and didn't think I'd have to deal with this ever. Thanks so much. via /r/Parenting

As parents, we're probably asking the wrong questions to our kids when it comes to what they did at school.

I'm sure it happened to a couple of you that when your kid comes home from school you excitedely ask them what they learned and that they casually reply 'I don't know' or 'I can't remember.' As you probably guessed, it's not that they haven't actually learned anything meaningful it's probably that you're just asking the wrong questions. I've noticed that if I ask my 5 and 6 year old what they did in class, they'll give me the usual 'drawing, painting, sticking stuff, reading...' Okay... Did you learn anything new? 'Uh yeah....' Like that... 'Uhm I don't know!'It's probably because it requires a lot of energy to 1. think about your whole day and pick through what you've done to see you did and 2. to think about what was new to you and rephrase it to your parents. At that point your kid is probably tired of thinking about school and just wants to play and cool off. After all, I personally don't feel like talking about work just after work.So what I feel is best (and suggest to parents when they write to me telling me that their kids never say anything about what goes on in school) is to first of all let your kid breath and play. Don't make it a first question right as they come home (unless of course they're so excited that they just scream it out.) Before homework, take a few minutes to ask open questions about your kid's day. Ex: Anything new happened today? Vary this question daily, otherwise it gets expected and boring. Then, the important step before starting homework is 'What do you think your homework will be about?' Usually homework is a summary of what has been seen through the day or the week. So your kid should be able to have a slight idea of what will be in there. After that, just lead the discussion... 'Oh so you had math today? Did you also have history? Cool, what did you see? Oh! Any projects?' and so goes on.If you get to the 'What do you think your homework will be about?' and get a 'I dunno!' Then just open the homework and look through the material. Let's say it's about additions, ask your kid if he's seen additions, take it from there.Some kids will still be pretty closed about the whole thing, so I found an approach that works most of the time. It's the feedback approach. So instead of asking them what *they* learned during the day, ask them what the teacher told them or the class during the day. A teacher in general gives about 1 personal feedback per 25 minutes and 1-2 class feedbacks in 30 minutes. So surely the teacher has personally interacted with your child at a certain point. Ask them what did they say to the class in general and what they explained. Most kids will start with things like 'My teacher made us look through pamphlets and told us to search for all the words of the week.' ect. This approach also decupabilises your child. If your kid is explaining what his teacher did, it's nothing that *he* did. Why is that important? Because most parents will react negatively when their kids tell them things they've done in school. Think about it. You ask your kids what they did today, they told you they painted... What did you paint? 'A heart' A heart? 'yeah.' Is that what the teacher asked to paint? Kids has to wonder if he did the right thing... Not that much fun. As opposed to... What did your teacher say today? 'To paint a heart' So you painted a heart? 'Yup, with glitters.' Less stressful for the kid.Sorry for making this so long! I was just talking to a colleague who said her kids always say they do nothing at school and we (as teachers) both know it's completely false, so that the problem must be the kind of questions we ask out children. Try it out! I'm curious to see how it goes at home, I know it's worked in my household.Oh! And also ask the teacher for a classe's schedule, it will help you know when your kid has X or Y activity and will help you with the conversation. via /r/Parenting

Debating with husband how to handle our rules for 5YO with other parents; I think he's too draconian and that could alienate our girl socially

Soooooo part of why this is a throwaway is because we're the parents other parents kind of...hate. We didn't allow any sugar or screen time before age 2. Our kid has never had a sip of soda or a bite of fast food. Her favorite foods are spinach, salmon, and avocado. Pears are her favorite "treat." She uses technology exceedingly sparingly (<30 minutes a day), and only educational material. Etc., etc., etc. Basically, you can call us The Sanctimommies, party of 3.Typically, this hasn't been an issue with other parents. We do play dates and send our own snacks, etc. It's fine. But recently, our daughter was invited to go to a local-ish theme park (1 hour drive away) with her best friend and her mother, for a full day. Best friend's household is a lot more lax than ours, and part of the outing will involve a trip to McDonald's and likely one or two soda pops at the park. Plus they watch movies and shows on their tablet in the car for longer rides.My husband wants to tell the parents that our daughter is not allowed to have McDonald's or soda, and to request no screen time in the car. I think the first could make us look too high maintenance and frustrate both the parents and our daughter, and the second is completely unacceptable. He says if we send our own food and some games for the kids to play, it shouldn't be an issue.But I worry that if we don't allow occasional one-offs, our daughter will never learn to code-switch and will be seen as too much trouble for other parents...which could affect her socialization. Plus, overall, I worry about her looking like a snob or "weird" to her peer group. We've built a foundation of healthy habits and now is the time to let go a little bit based on context. Husband thinks now is the most crucial time to solidify, and that if other parents aren't willing to be flexible themselves, then daughter probably shouldn't go with them anyway.I think he's being ridiculous and this attitude is unhealthy, but I wanted to see what others think.And also, overall, if you tend to be a more restrictive parent regarding food/sugar/screen time, how do you manage with other parents who are less so? Are there compromises you strike, or are you big proponents of "my house, my rules - their house, their rules"? via /r/Parenting

He called me mama

So last night my foster son, who is 16 months and a bit delayed in speech (has no words, but early intervention came out and is not concerned yet) pointed at me and said "mama." I broke down and ugly cried in front of him and he just patted my arm and kept playing. This is huge for me, because he biological mom signed over her parental rights last week, which has left me all kinds of emotional and I am grieving for my son, even as I celebrate that we are moving toward adoption. I sometimes feel like a fake mom, even though I'm just as "real" as his bio mom, so to hear him call me mama was the best feeling ever and also left me so sad that his bio mom isn't healthy enough to know this amazing little boy. It also made the 2+ hours he's up EVERY DAMN NIGHT a little easier to deal with. via /r/Parenting

I hate hypocritical, abusively competitive parents

My daughter participates in competitive dance. I love that she enjoys dancing, but I mostly LOATHE the world of competitive dance. It sexualizes children at a young age, it exposes children to an unduly competitive atmosphere (generated mostly by adults), and worst of all, it is home to some of the worst abusers I have ever observed.In particular, I cannot stand the abusive parents who put on one face to the public, and another to their children. I am talking about the parents who post publicly on Facebook about how proud they are of Child X, who keeps winning 3-foot tall 1st place dance trophies, and are featured on local television, and are "dancing for the cure"...but who I have repeatedly witnessed berate their child (who is winning everything in sight) for not trying hard enough, for not being perfect enough, for not smiling enough, for clearly not taking notes from Choreographer X, and worst of all, for being fat, even while the child has maybe 0.7% body fat, and is dying to eat a granola bar.I shudder to envision the future, in which said child jumps from the balcony of a skyscraper like the girl in Lethal Weapon. via /r/Parenting

Weekly - Ask parents everything - January 30, 2018

This bi-weekly thread is meant as a place for non-parents and parents to ask questions to the community.Note - Remember that all questions and responses must adhere to our community rules.For daily questions see /r/Askparents via /r/Parenting

Helping son speak, recommendations?

I have a wonderful little 1.5 year old boy. He's a total ham and loves being the center of attention. Smiles and waves and babbles non stop. Endless verbal diarrhea. His mother and I always try to speak clear sentences to him, simplified of course. We try to take his babble and give him words small enough to remember and relate to what hes doing.One of his favorite activites is reading. I would say out of an average day he probably is read to about 1-2 hours. He just seems to have no interest in trying real words. When he was about a year he struggled out the most adorable "hello" ive ever heard, but hasnt mever attempted that one since. and he will say "mumma, dada, and all gone". When you speak to him he will stop and listen and consider what youre saying, then just wander off babbling.Im not terribly concerned as our pediatrician has said that boys tend to be later speakers than girls, I just didnt know if anyone had any tips or recommendations to help him verbally progress. via /r/Parenting

Expecting child number two with a 20 month age gap

We are due baby number 2 in July when our daughter will be 20 months old, all I seem to be hearing from local mums are horror stories and how awful it is having kids so close together, does anyone have any advice or stories on how to cope ? (we always wanted them close together and I wasn't worried at all until people at playgroups started putting their two cents in) via /r/Parenting

Parents of children with serious illness, I need some help.

A friend from school has a child with a rare blood disorder. They were planning on a bone marrow transplant this summer, but a bad flu season + a compromised immune system has moved up the timeline. The doctor has put him out of school indefinately and he is crushed. He is about 8 years old.I don't live in the area and money is tight, but I want to do something nice for them. The kids are going to make him some cards and I may get some candy to throw in, but I want to do something to help. I don't know exactly what to do. My heart is breaking for them and if I can do something to ease their suffering, even a little. I would appreciate any suggestions. via /r/Parenting

Monday, 29 January 2018

Fit parents, how do you do it??

Seriously, what’s your deal? How do you do it?My wife will make comments when we’re out like... “look at that couple, we could be that fit.” Of course, this couple has two or three or more kids and I’m like, how do they look that good? Short of being in the business of looking good; gym owner, personal trainer, active military, police officer etc, I just don’t know how folks do it. Out of all the parents I know, I think two couples are fit. One couple, the wife is obsessed with being skinny and the husband has always been fit, but as rumor mill has it, he isn’t the best father or husband. The other couple, they’re just boring and are very very regimented and dont stray their routine. Hardly see them.Anyway, just curious. via /r/Parenting

Grounded my ten year old from his own birthday party. And his best friend.

He turns 11 Wednesday.He’s been struggling with the whole concept of come home and check in before you do anything. Saturday day had an overnight and left in the morning. Instead of coming home and checking in with me he went and played all day. I thought he was still at the friends house. He showed up around 5:15.Today he was supposed to walk home from school. Didn’t see him unti 5:30.So now he’s grounded from the friends he was playing with and the birthday party he was planning for the weekend. And he’s crying and it’s breaking my damn heart because I like giving him good things but I have to do something about his not showing up and yelling at him and taking his electronics hadn’t done it. via /r/Parenting

5 year old in Kindergarten, teacher complains about him almost every time I pick him up.....

I have 5 kids ranging from 21 to 5. My son started kindergarten this year. He is the last so he does have the baby complex, a little spoiled, a little stubborn.Anyway, last year I put him in Montessori school to prepare him for kindergarten. He learned a lot. Science projects, class trips, letter recognition, alphabet, etc. I wanted a more structured system so that he would have a great start to kindergarten. He never has a single complaint in the whole time he went there. They only had great things to say about him.He started kindergarten in Sept.His kindergarten teacher is nice I guess, at least outwardly. But she has started a pattern that I find very concerning.In October my son was coming home everyday saying that there were a few kids in class bothering him. I approached the teacher about it and she just said that he was involved.Since then she complains if he steps in a puddle, or goes down the wet slide. (he has a change of clothes at school, they each do)She complains that he doesn't listen to her or that he speaks out in class.My son does have a one track mind sometimes. If he has something on his mind its often better just to let him finish his thought because he wont process your point.I spoke to a counselor about him outside of the school. I was as honest as possible about this and he said that he is a 5 year old boy and that these are normal things, understand, and just try and curb the behaviors as much as possible. He will grow out of it.My son is calm at home, he naps after school, plays with his lego, or watches tv on his own. My wife does his homework him and she has to work to get him to do the work properly. But he does.I'm thinking of putting him in sports, as I think he may need to burn off some energy. But I also have serious concerns because he was doing so well in Montessori, but now in public school it seems like he is becoming an issue.The teacher has 19 kids, by herself, and even when I asked she said he is not the only one there are a few others acting up.Anyway, I have called the principle to see what I can do better, what the teacher can do as well, and see where I can go from here.I never had to deal with this with any of the other kids.Any and all advice is appreciated. via /r/Parenting

Good child development book for new dad

Going to be a Dad later this year. I’m looking for a good book outlining child development that I can read to understand how my kid will perceive the world.When I was in college I took a education 101 course and that kinda broke out how young kids perceive the world, and I thought from the 10 years or so, there would be some good books on the subject.Not looking for parenting guides so much, but more of the theory of mental growth, so I can have a baseline for more “parenting books” via /r/Parenting

Best Clothing Brands for Toddler's w/Big Heads?

Hi! My darling daughter inherited her adorable, but 90th percentile head from her dad. I've come across brands that are easy to pull on and off her, and run into others that... Just. Won't. Fit. Getting ready to start shopping for the spring. I love H&M's Conscious shirts that have an elastic neck! Unfortunately, the brand at Macy's that I also loved for her has been discontinued and replaced by Epic Threads. An aunty gave her an Epic Threads dress for Xmas last year that just doesn't fit over her head, no matter how we try. Hoping to open source some other recommendations? Edit: Sorry for the typo in the title. Should be Toddlers. Reddit won't let me edit the title. via /r/Parenting

Book recommendations for children born through IVF

I was reading "So THAT'S How I Was Born!" to my son this weekend and had to stop constantly to interject and explain that's not actually how HE was born to the point where the book was actually hindering the dialogue. Have you come across any great books that come from an IVF perspective? Anything like taking two pieces from hearts and letting them grow or even blending the parents together to make mutant super child.If not, I'm going to write my own. Just trying to save time :) via /r/Parenting

I want my tubes tied. How do I tell my husband?

We have a 2M, always planned to be 1-and-done, but have debated more kids.This month, my period was quite late (5 days), but I wasn’t pregnant. After I took the test, my husband told me he “got excited” at the thought of me being pregnant.Well. I mentioned in December that I wanted to get my tubes tied and he seemed fine with it.I’ve been having serious health problems, so caring for my son is really physically hard. He has some delays which I fear are genetically inherited from me. A pregnancy / new baby / plus toddler / having to stop my own treatment sounds like a nightmare.I also have to go off hormonal birth control, because my body is treating the synthetic hormones like poison (bonding and storing them where they can’t be used), and my brain isn’t producing any sex hormones because I objectively “have plenty.”So, I’m experiencing chemical menopause (biologically, I’m fertile). I have 0 available progesterone and testosterone, and less estrogen than a 10 year old girl.I just ordered a cervical cap (I’ve tried copper IUD, didn’t work for me), but... it makes sense for me to get sterilized. Right?And my gut reaction is that of “it’s my body” and “I could never go through pregnancy again” ... but I know he has to be on board.Thanks for listening, it helped just to type this. via /r/Parenting

Reading "Love You Forever" and the consequences

If you ever want to make my wife cry, just read "Love You Forever", and she'll be a mess halfway into it. I find it to be heavyhanded and too obvious (not to mention stalker-mom climbing a ladder...). So we disagree on the book, but that's fine, I know this, she knows this, my starting-to-get-good-at-reading daughter (7) did not.A couple nights ago, daughter picks this one out of the collection and wife starts reading it to her, and I can hear her voice start to waver almost instantly, and by page 3, my daughter has to take over and wife just cannot contain herself. So I walk into the reading room to comfort her. At this point, my daughter starts laughing at the idea of her mother crying at a book, which results in me laughing, which results in my wife simultaneously laughing and crying, all while jabbing me in the stomach to get me to stop - I'm ticklish, so it has the opposite effect. Anyway, book is done, wife is appalled (not really) that we would dare laugh at her. I just said "I'm not laughing AT you, I'm laughing WITH Daughter! You understand."Anyway, wife goes to tuck daughter in, and I hid that book so the kids can't find it again (wife knows where it is). via /r/Parenting

I need to have an honest upfront conversation about trying to make it work vs. staying together for the kids if anyone's up for it.

Hey guys,I've been a long-time lurker on this community for a while with my other account, but this is my first post. I'm having a really tough time and I don't have anyone IRL I can talk to about this (for obvious reasons). So I'm reaching out hoping to hear from people who have been where I am now who might be able to offer some advice based on their own experiences.The BabyMy (31M) wife (29F) and I are about to hit the one-year mark of parenthood and we love our little guy. He's cute, happy, curious and always smiling. But he's a lot of work. The kid seems to have boundless energy and always needs to be interacting with new and different things. My younger brother and I have both been clinically diagnosed with ADHD, for which I'm taking medication. I'm convinced my son is going to be the same. He was never one of those babies that could just sit on a mat and play with one toy for an hour (slight exaggeration, but you get my point). If he doesn't get attention, he cries. So when he was younger that meant he was constantly in our arms being carried around and shown things around the house. It's still kind of like that but now he's almost walking so we're guiding him by the hands to run around and explore his home or wherever we end up. It's exhausting. On top of that, he will not sleep anywhere except in his crib with pitch black and a noisemaker. He doesn't sleep in the car, he doesn't sleep at his grandparents or in our arms (anymore). So we can never spend more than 2 hours away from home during the day. I have five other friends with babies at home and none of them have these problems.ParentingHer mother is a big worrier, always has been. My wife used to tease her mom about worrying so much about literally anything and everything that might happen. Now that she's a mom herself though, she's transformed into her mom in that regard. She wants to shelter our son from all the elements imaginable, while I want to expose him to the world so he can learn and grow (from my perspective). Example: she's terrified to give him baths because she's afraid he might drown. So I have to give him a bath every night, but if I take my hand off him for one second she yells at me about putting him in danger. I read that you're supposed to let kids play on their own or give them some distance, so when I'm watching him, sometimes I'll leave him in a safe play area and go do a chore or something, but if she catches me doing this, she yells at me for leaving him alone. These are differences in parenting styles, not bad behaviour. When I get yelled at, I yell back. It's my flaw, and I own that, but it's hard to change your patterns of behaviour at 30+...UsI'm a fairly independent person and my wife is/was too. We got together a few years ago because we have a lot of common interests and have the same preferences, habits. We're both extroverted introverts (love socializing with our friends, but find it incredibly draining, so we also value alone time). But as I've gotten older and as it's been harder to find time with friends, my social needs have increased while hers have decreased. Even before the baby was born, she was often happier to stay home at just relax on a Friday or Saturday night, while my need to go out and see friends has increased. Post-baby, that's only gotten far worse except now it's even harder to manage.On top of that, we've basically become like roommates. The bedroom is all but dead. She says she wants to have more sex, but by the time the kid's asleep, all our chores are done and the timing is right, one or both of us is exhausted and it just doesn't happen.We used to be romantic OFTEN but now we barely touch each other. Kisses often feel like work or duty almost and I have to initiate every single romantic or even physical interaction with her these days. If I never said: "I love you", gave her a hug, a kiss or any other physical contact you could imagine, I don't know that we'd ever do those things. A lot of that is on my shoulders. I can admit that. I'm a difficult person to live with (I can be needy/OCD sometimes and can't handle criticism) and we fight a lot these days, so she's probably not interested in cuddling nearly as much.Our biggest fights these days are about the smallest, dumbest things. We've both realized they happen most often when we're both home together. I was home over the holidays and we went on vacation recently. During both those times we would ARGUE like crazy over whose turn it was to hold the kid. What's crazy is I LIKE playing with my son, but I need breaks from time to time. From my perspective, I'll play with him for 30 minutes, hand him to my wife and sit down for a breather and she'll hand him back after 10 and I'll say: "really? 10 minutes? I just had him for 30!" and she'll yell at me about how her 10 was 20 or 30. It's getting to the point where I need to keep a timer going to know exactly how long each of us is watching him. I know, it's insane. We should both be happy to enjoy our baby, knowing he won't be a baby forever and working together as a team... But we're not.I'm at my wit's end. I know couples counselling could help, it's just so hard to plan and organize with the baby at home (scheduling in advance, hiring a babysitter, the expense of counselling + babysitting = fewer date nights). But I know that's not an excuse, we need to make those sacrifices and try to fix this if we want to make it work.I just... don't know if I want to or not. After our big fights I walk away thinking: "That's it. I'm done. I'm ending this relationship." Then I think about my son and I can't imagine doing that to him. I don't want him to lose his happy home before he's even a year old. But then I think about my parents, or my wife's parents. Both couples hated each other by the time their kids were grown up and should have gotten divorced years earlier.I don't even know what to do at this point. My wife would never leave me. A day after a big fight she sweeps it under the rug and acts like it didn't happen, but once in a while we have a long talk about how we're struggling and things seem to get better for a few days, then get worse.My questions for you guysWhat do you think? Anyone else been there? How did it go for you? I never read that book "too bad to stay, too good to leave", but it feels like that might describe my relationship. My son often feels like the only thing keeping me in it.Thank you in advance for any thoughts, insight, constructive feedback, criticism. I'm wide open here.TL;DR - Father of 10-month old. Wife and I used to be a great couple, but since parenthood came along it's all gone downhill. I don't know how to fix my marriage or whether I should just walk away now before it gets worse. via /r/Parenting

Help sick child

Ok so going to apologize I’m on mobile sorry about spelling and autocorrect. Some background My son ( just turned 2) is our first and only (for now) and two weeks ago he was throwing up a lot for one night, around 7 times in 10 hours, then it was intermittent for the next couple days. Then he had a cough and cold for a week with a mild fever overlapping both the throwing up and the cough and runny nose. Last night from 4am to 8am this morning he wouldn’t stay asleep. We would rock him or pat his back until he fell asleep then 15 min later he would wake up saying ow. My wife just called saying he won’t eat this morning, won’t lay down, won’t drink water out of any cups or bottles. And all he is doing is randomly saying ow and pointing to different places (knee, shoulder, mouth) we don’t know what todo. Any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. via /r/Parenting

3 year old and 6 year old exercise daily after seeing me drop 85 pounds.

I am a stay at home dad that decided one day that life should be fun and that living a happy and healthy lifestyle is the key to having that fun.  In 2014 I weighed 250 lbs.  In 2017 I decided to take fitness and health to the extreme.  Losing ⅓ of my body weight has given the happiness, energy, and enthusiasm to share my story and help motivate people to get in shape.  I tried the gym membership, I tried the fad diets, and I tried to just eat healthily, nothing worked for me.  I decided to turn weight loss into a game.  I track all my food before I eat it, I promise myself at least one 5 minute workout a day, and I try and get as close to my daily recommended nutrients as I can.Because of this my children have been condition to join me in my daily workouts. I made a video showing this, but can't post it. However my story has changed my children's lives for the better. I encourage everyone to spend 5 - 15 minutes a day stretching, running, rolling, or bouncing. After just a month your kids will be conditioned to include excerside in their daily life.Inspiring my children motivates me to push forward.2018RoleModelkeepmovingforwardchildrenfirst via /r/Parenting

Teaching my kids and myclassroom different tones changed the dynamics positively

I've practiced this exercise with my kids and it had great results so this year I also practiced it with my class, and I also got great results- so I'll share it with you guys. It might help some of you!I've noticed that my children often didn't know what tone of voice to use depending on the situation. They'd go from neutral to angry when they'd steal each others toys or they'd go from whiny to annoyed when they'd want something. I figured there was probably a better way to teach them how to use their "calm,""neutral,""firm," and "in danger" voice. Same thing for kids in my class. They'd often go from whiny to angry but I barely heard any firm tones.We started this exercise really easily. "When do we use a firm voice? When we are happy? When we are sad? In what situations?" Repeat this exercise for each tone. Once children figure it out, put them in a particular scenario. "Mario stole your pencil, you want it back, how do you ask him?" Listen to the child's voice. At first I mainly noticed a shy febrile voice from the quiet students and a angry loud voice from the loud students. As a class we practiced our firm "please give me back my pencil" voice. I noticed at first shy/quiet students wouldn't want to say it. With time, they did. We did the same with other tones. I didn't make it act long, boring exercise. Just act quick "ok class, when I say your name (while doing attendance) respond using your X voice."Soon in the classroom I saw a difference. Quiet kids didn't come see me to say that another student had hurt them, they would tell them themselves "You hurt me." Students who used to yell know when to use their soft voice which gets many other kids to want to play with them.The hard part is really to get the kids used to using using a certain tone. Once they do that, they should be able to use appropriate tones (with our help of course)! via /r/Parenting

Having a third kid and looking for guidance

I found out yesterday that I'm going to be a father of a third child, and I'm terrified. Parents of three kids--how was it when you had your third? I'm finding myself distracted and I can't think about anything else. I've been told by friends of mine that two was a cinch but when they had a third, their lives ended. We used to hang out with them and their family before then, but after they had their third kid, they disappeared into a life of nothing but work and taking care of the kids. And so now I'm thinking: 50% more sick days. 50% more kids laundry. 50% more mess to clean up, mouths to feed, time taken for bedtime rituals, etc.Right now, my wife and I can divide and conquer with two, and we even get some free time here and there. I'm afraid of losing that. I want to keep a positive mindset and be happy about this, as this is another person I get the opportunity to bring into the world and raise, and teach to be an awesome person. But the selfish part of me feels like my individuality is on death row. I'd like to hear some experiences going into having a third child, how it went, expectations versus reality. Or, if you have any resources that you could share that will help. I'm not in a great place right now--having trouble sleeping at night, and would love some thoughts or resources that could help me get my head right.Thank you, r/parenting community. via /r/Parenting

I need to confess: if I had my time over, I wouldn't have become a parent.

38/M and have a 5 year old & a 3 year old.I love my kids. But I can say with 110% certainty that if I had the chance to go back to my 30th birthday and do it all over again, I wouldn't have become a parent.Please don't get me wrong. I would be devastated if something happened to them. I would take a bullet for them without thinking. I would go without dinner every night if that is what it took to feed them. I do everything to make sure they have an amazing life.It just feels like their amazing life has come at the expense of everything I liked about my previous life and all my interests and all my hopes for the future.But I feel like I was meant to be their "cool uncle" and not their "dad" if that makes sense. I like being around kids. I was always the cool uncle, but I didn't truly think about what it would mean for my life to not be able to give them back at the end of the day and go back to my life, a life rich with travel, free time to pursue my hobbies, the freedom to be spontaneous, disposable income. I love my children but I feel like the sacrifices are greater than the rewards and could have continued to have the joys children bring to your life without the immense sacrifices it takes to have your own.I feel like every day, I am just going through the motions doing things where the novelty has well and truly worn off. It was fun to have nieces/nephews for a few is not fun to still have the kids in my house days, months years later with out a week. I feel like I'm not really living my life anymore and it's like I'm waiting for the "real" dad to come and "save" me by picking them up and then I go back to my life and drop by to play "cool uncle" once a month. I hate how much it is getting me down because I feel like an asshole. I don't really think therapy will help because it is not PPD, it is just feeling like I made a big mistake. But I made the bed and now must lie in it because once you'd made the bed, you can't remake it.Both kids have ADHD and are difficult compared to my nieces/nephews and honestly, this makes the regret feel even worse. They need expensive treatment and are just difficult all around. I had to give up my dream career opportunity because it would involve too much travel and it is not fair to saddle my wife with the kids on her own. I haven't travelled in 6 years and miss it terribly. I miss that my wife used to put effort into her physical appearance and buying nice lingerie and having sex with me, while now she is a mother, she has let herself go and uses it as an excuse to basically be a slob and rarely have sex. I love her but it frustrates me so much. Whenever I try and talk to her about it, she starts screaming about the unfair expectations on women. I'm not at all expecting her to look like Gisele Bundchen or whatever, I just wish she'd make some effort. She is very overweight honestly bordering on obese and I've lost most of my attraction to her and it's like she doesn't care at all.Having kids means I won't retire early and will be working much longer. I'd can't remember the last day I just got to do something for myself. I spend all my money on the kids and hate that I resent it. I had to move out into the burbs and don't like it. I hate my "parenting lifestyle" and miss my pre-kids marriage. I hate that I have such selfish feelings but they are what they are and I just. Yeah. I love them but wish they were not mine and I was the "uncle".I don't know. Anyone else feel this way so I can feel less alone? via /r/Parenting

Weekly - Stories from the week/end - January 29, 2018

This weekly thread is meant as a place to share stories that happened to us as parents over the weekend. Share good, bad, fun, not fun, etc. Also, if you ever wonder who we are, click here to meet the mod team! via /r/Parenting

I need advice on how and when to address my daughter's parentage (CW: sex based crimes, domestic abuse)

This turned into a damn novel. I'm sorry. It's cathartic to write about, apparently.Exposition: My daughter will be five in March. I'm so excited! She's growing up into such a wonderful little human, and every day I'm proud to be her mother.I co-parent with my fiance, who I've been with for a few years now. He is the only male figure in her life other than our extended family, and he treats her like his own - he's currently in the bathroom getting her ready for school, just like he does every morning. His family treats her as if he's her father, his biological daughter calls my daughter her sister, his mother doesn't treat one child differently from the other. If you didn't know prior to meeting us, you'd assume that my partner and I procreated and produced my daughter. She even has blue eyes and freckles just like my partner - recessive genes like woah, I'm Mexican-American - so strangers just assume that they're blood. She calls him Daddy and the adoption paperwork is filled and can be filed once we have a marriage certificate.Obviously, I *did not" procreate with my current partner. My daughter was conceived with an ex-boyfriend of mine that I was with for several years between the ages of 18 to 22. He was much older. There was a history of domestic violence before we conceived (unplanned). I would try to leave, he would threaten to kill himself. He'd hit me and my friends would give me ultimatums to leave him. He'd cheat on me with impunity. When I got pregnant it just got worse.He graduated to actually beating me. He tried to date rape a mutual friend who was on pain meds but was stopped by her roommate. I visited my mom overnight for Christmas and I came home to my dresser thrown across the room. It was bad.I managed to leave him before the birth, but we got back together right before labor, then I left him again after I have birth because he tried to change my natural birth to a C-section then called me a c*nt for wanting his help two days after I pushed out a baby. This went on for about seven months. I'd try to break away but would end up trapped back in his grip.One night, coincidentally the night before we moved into a different house, he got arrested for indecent exposure. He had been going to one of those closed gas stations where they lock it up at night and you go to a window to do your transaction and masturbating while those poor girls were basically stuck in a glass box. It wasn't the first time because the police were actually looking for him. I woke up in the middle of the night to his mom sobbing. I asked her what happened. She told me what he got arrested for. I felt nothing. I rolled my eyes and went back to bed.The next day I was so sick. Those stomach bugs that make you feel like you're dying. He gets out of jail, helps us move. I'm still sick. We're in the new house, I ask him to watch my baby for a few moments so I could run down to the basement to get my purse so he could get me medication. He agreed.My daughter fell down the stairs right behind me. She wasn't even a year old yet. Thankfully she was okay but that was the straw. I dealt with the abuse. The cheating. The arrests. No help with the baby. Judgement for my parenting. Disrespect. I did not deal with his neglect of my child.I told him I was done, I was leaving. He had JUST been arrested the night prior for indecent exposure and couldn't handle not fucking up for five minutes with a child that he helped bring into this world! He started screaming about how he didn't want to live, and went into the back part of the basement to hang himself, locking the door behind him. I kicked the door down and jumped up on a workout bench to cut him down. When he was down, he slammed his face against the concrete and then ran off, screaming.I took my daughter and fell asleep. The fallout was extreme. He didn't kill himself, as he never planned on it. I had four years experience with his craziness, it was probably the fifteenth time something like that had happened. I start looking for a place, find one a few days after he gets out of the psych ward, and plan on leaving when him and his mom were out of town. They found out and sent family members to keep me there against my will even though they gave me two weeks to find a place and the clock wasn't on my side.Thankfully, I had three large male friends come help me escape. I escaped! I did it!Then a few days later my Ex started to demand over night visits with my less than year old breastfeeding child who he had never dealt with at night, just a few weeks after getting arrested for indecent exposure.Note: over the months that I lived with these two people, my ex and his mother, I managed to leave the house twice, once because I begged and pleaded to leave my sleeping child for a few hours and the next because I hired a babysitter. My ex had his excuses, and his mom would tell me that her vertigo and other health issues were too extreme for her to care for a child. Then suddenly, they find the capacity to do so as soon as I leave?When I expressed my discomfort, his mother loudly announced that they had more legal right to my child than I did. I then decided that I wasn't comfortable without a custody agreement in place and asked them to contact me via their attorney. I had already gotten threatening letters from their attorneys before, so I knew they had one in the wings. I contacted my local police department and DCYF office who assigned me a social worker and had my back against my ex and his mother. DCYF would have helped me in court and everything due to my ex's recent criminal history.They never contacted me like they were supposed to. I found out that he had started to expose himself on our SEVERAL college campuses long before he was arrested, having been arrested for it two or three times by campus police before I found out. Found out that he had been dating a seventeen year old kid for two years during our relationship. Got caught again for exposure. Went to court against him for child support, he tried to follow me into the courthouse bathroom, yelled at me across the courthouse, and tried to follow me out to my car (all of this was witnessed and documented by the sheriff at the court) Demanded the judge go after me for visitation. Showed up dressed like the joker. I didn't want child support, I just wanted to be safe. He was unhinged and jumped at the chance to be free of child support. The judge saw this.There hasn't been much in the years since. His mom sent me threatening messages about grandparents rights, then sent me much nicer messages about please letting her visit my daughter when she figured out that she didn't have a leg to stand on to sue me for grandparents rights. I blocked her. She had her other son's new girlfriend message me a few years ago to ask to see my daughter. I said no and blocked her, too.Recently, though. My ex. Ho boy. He got arrested to soliciting a minor child for sex and sending her explicit photos of himself. Felonies. In my state, a minor is between the ages of fourteen and sixteen. A minor child is under the age of fourteen. I'm not certain how old she was, but it was either twelve or thirteen. She was also a group of police officers from what I hear. Talk about glo up, amirite?So, TL;DR: My ex is an abusive, predacious pedophile who has not interacted with my daughter since she was less than a year old, does not pay child support, and is maybe currently in jail?End of expositionNow, as my daughter grows older, the fact that I will have to sit her down someday to explain at least some of this to her is weighing heavily on my mind. I don't need any advice that says, "Your daughter deserves to know her dad!"1) No child deserves that and 2) she has a wonderful dad that she has a wonderful relationship with.I don't think that she'll feel like there's something "missing" in her life, or anything like that. I respect my daughter immensely and don't lie to her. I don't want her finding out via high school blood typing or a DNA test or if she ends up with gout when neither of her parent's family's have a history of it. I want her to be aware.I also want her to be aware of the fact that these were not normal circumstances. I would never keep a person's child from them unless absolutely necessary for the child's welfare. DCYF told me that if I had released my daughter into his care and anything happened, I too would be legally culpable because he was a known predator. Even before he was arrested, even before I left him for good, I had the terrible thought that he might try to hurt my daughter when she was her most vulnerable. I'm terrified that someday, she'll ask me who this man is on FaceBook messaging her.When do I even start bringing this up? How do I? Do I just let sleeping dogs lie until she's old enough for a sit down conversation about sexual predators?Do I use, "hey, don't get into any white vans" as a segue into, "by the by, your biological father might be the one driving that van"? /sHow do I minimize her potential emotional turmoil associated with the fact that the man who has been Daddy for as long as she can remember isn't her biological father?Thanks in advance and sorry about the length! via /r/Parenting

At a loss, need advice.

My nephew is 8 years old & as far as 8 year olds go. He's pretty normal. Innocent nature and so on,. Mostly hangs around with girls in school and out. Last year we had an incident occur where he came home from playing with his friends and his penis was bleeding, to which after some discussion his mum was told that it was the girls that had been touching him. Mother went the right paths to get to bottom of it, speak to parents. Hear full stories etc & agreed to all stay away from one another in the future.Recently he's had a sudden outburst of honesty and is confessing things he's been holding in for the last year or so. With all this confessing etc coming to surface, we've now been informed that another incident has occured with the same girl, being that they were playing at the girls house where they made a den/fort in the living room whilst the girl's parents were in the kitchen. Now the way he has described the incident they were in the den & they have both ended up with their trousers down, they kissed & my nephew beleive's that he had sex with her. (But from what he's described to his mother he hasn't) He's been very emotional & extreamly upset over all of this, which is to be expected to of kept this a secret for so long. Mother has been into school to speak to the head teacher as an attempt to find some kind of neutral ground to discuss this out with the parents, possibly some kind of legal standing person & get to the bottom of it all. But basically been told school are unable to assist with the situation and she has to go about it all herself with the girl's parents etc.The mother has 3 other kids, been a mum for 13 years and never came across this kind of situation before. We really don't know what to do, where to turn to, what to say to him about it all. Everything basically. Obviously isn't a day-to-day situation. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. via /r/Parenting

My daughter has dyslexia, but her current school does not have any special education services.

My daughter is in second grade, and she was just tested this year for dyslexia. She and her siblings go to the private Catholic school that's part of our church. When we enrolled our kids at this school, we found it really important that our kids receive a religious education, and we thought that it was beneficial. Our daughter will receive her first communion this year which she is very excited about. She has made many great friends. And she loves her school. But I can't help but feel that we have failed her; she struggles a lot with her reading and writing, and it wasn't until we got her tested at the local public school that we discovered that she has dyslexia; I wish we could have figured this out earlier, but her school doesn't have any funding for special education. Which leads us to wonder if she should continue attending this school. We want to put her into the local public school, where she can receive additional services for her dyslexia, where there are teachers who are trained in learning disabilities. Of course, my daughter isn't too thrilled about the idea of starting at a new school next year. My wife and I would love to keep our children in Catholic school; I never went to Catholic school, but my wife did, and our religion is very important to us, but I feel like we already made a mistake in sending our kids to the Catholic school since our daughter's dyslexia was found relatively late, and I want her to have the best education possible, and I want her to love going to school, which she does currently. I don't know what other options we have; I'd appreciate any advice. via /r/Parenting

Depressing Thoughts About the World I am Raising my kids into

I don't know if this is the proximity of the Holocaust Remembrance Day two days ago, or just a general winter-y feeling that will go away. So I apologise for this rant but I need this as an outlet.We are a "mixed" couple (mixed nations, mixed "skin colours", mixed religions). Pretty normal in the city we live in. But in the country we live in, there is an increasing number of people who would start sentences with "I am not a racist, but... [enter something racist that they think]".It is not better in other countries in the world. Racism and anti-Semitism are out there and you can see this type of hate speech here on Reddit, or Twitter or other places, quite frequently. You see people killing each other in brutal civil wars and conflicts.What kind of world am I raising my children in?Again, apologies for the dark tone. It is more of an outlet for my fears. In real life we never experienced a racist attack or comment in the city I live in, but I am not so sure about other places where we are visibly different. via /r/Parenting

I want to be a stay-at-home dad.

TL;DR My wife and I are okay with me being a stay-at-home parent and we’re fairly confident we can afford it. I’m struggling emotionally with my worth regarding how much I’m contributing.Hi y’all! I’m decently new to reddit and like to lurk quite a bit. I’m not sure what exactly I’m looking for with posting this- I think I just need to get it off of my chest. I’m 32 and my wife is 29. We have two boys, 3 and 1, and they’re pretty rad. I went to cosmetology school in 2013 and graduated a month after our first son was born in 2014.My wife by that point had a salaried job with insurance and so it made more sense for me to find part time work while I built clientele and let her be the primary earner for the family. In the last few years she’s continued to make great progress at work and is moving up in her company. I, however, have felt more stagnant in my work. I spent a couple of years as a part-time stylist in a salon but it was ultimately not where I wanted to be. A year ago, I took a leap of faith and went to a barber shop in a straight commission position, just after my wife had our second son. With both of us working we obviously had to put the boys in daycare, which cost more than our mortgage. When we did the numbers after a year of working there, we realized that I contributed less than $200 a week after taxes, tithe, and childcare came out of my income. That was super depressing. I was considering whether or not I wanted to stay working where I was when I was pleasantly surprised to come in to the shop and learn that I was being let go. All of my stuff was in a box and that was it.This past week I’ve been trying to refocus and decide the next step for our family. I pulled he kids from daycare and immediately started saving a chunk of money each week. I genuinely enjoy watching the boys, cooking, doing laundry, taking the boys to visit mom periodically, and just generally feeling like things are under control at home. When we both work and when the kids are in daycare, I always feel like we’re rushing constantly but never making any progress when it comes to keeping up with household work. I’d love to stay home and just be a househusband, raise my kids, meal prep, etc....Here’s the issue: I live in Texas (hi y’all!) and it’s not exactly culturally popular here. At the end of the day I know it only matters what my wife and I decide, but it’s hard to lean into this decision knowing that we have family who will think less of me or that I’m going to get judgmental looks from people here. It’s hard to undo years of “the man is the provider” upbringing and I feel like I’m copping out by staying home.I don’t know if that’s clear enough. It’s a lot I know, and I’m sorry. I’m happy to clarify anything to anyone who bothered to read this far. Good night. via /r/Parenting

Any tips on making diaper changes more comfortable?

My wonderful 4 week old son is generally not a fussy baby, but he absolutely hates getting his diaper changed. We got a wipe warmer, but that didn’t do much. We make sure to feed him before changing his diaper so he is not hungry. He calms down as soon as we pick him up from the changing table.I hate seeing him so upset. Anyone have any tips to make him more comfortable? First time mommy so need all the help I can get! Thank you! via /r/Parenting

Sunday, 28 January 2018

My five year old stole my landlord’s precious ornament and then lied about it. Please help me figure out how to handle it.

We rent a room in a house and have free access to the common areas. The house is shared with the landlord, her two dogs, a roommate in the basement, and a new roommate who moved in today.When we first moved in, the landlord accused my daughter of going into her room and taking something. DD says she did not. Landlord later finds it in her room but insists that it is a different place and DD moved it. A few months later, she accuses DD of entering her room again and moving some crystals around. DD again says she did not. Before Christmas, landlord accuses DD a third time of stealing a barrette from her room. For a third time, DD denies entering the room ever. During Christmas time, I find two ornaments from the landlord’s tree right next to it on the ground with the landlord next to me. DD admits to taking them off the tree.Today, landlord comes in extremely upset, trying not to cry, and says DD took a very precious ornament from the tree that was made by her daughter who is now grown. DD tells landlord she did not take it, waits until landlord is gone, and tells me she did take it. Immediately, we tear our room apart trying to find it. It was a small eggshell holding a tiny babydoll with a teeny bottle and a blanket. I find the eggshell and the babydoll. The actual shell part is completely broken and all that remains is the inner film. I cannot find the bottle or blanket.Each time DD was accused of stealing, and when she took the first ornaments from the tree, she had things and privileges revoked. I don’t believe in whipping children, but my family is pushing me to whip her now and I am at a loss.I don’t know what to do.I asked her why she took it and she told me because she does not have a babydoll of her own. I’m a single mom without a degree in a high income area. I barely make ends meet. Otherwise, we would have our own apartment. She stole because I can’t give her the things that she wants.What do I do here? How do I make her understand that this is never okay? I’ve asked how she would like it if someone took her things. I’ve yelled at her in the past for this, which I’m not proud of. I’ve taken away electronics for a week. I’ve denied her going to play with friends. I put her in time outs. I don’t know what else to do. I don’t know how to make it up to the landlord. I don’t know if I should ever believe my child again. She still denies ever going into the landlord’s room. I am terrified of getting evicted as we have nowhere else to go and no family anywhere close. I feel like a terrible, useless mother.Please help me. via /r/Parenting